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How to choose the most effective diet

How to choose the most effective diet
How to choose the most effective diet

Video: Which Diets Actually Work? 2024, July

Video: Which Diets Actually Work? 2024, July

When choosing the right diet, you should always focus on two important criteria. Firstly, the diet should meet your tastes, because it’s not enough to lose weight, you still need to keep the result, and this depends on the future style of nutrition, which you will take as a basis after losing weight. Secondly, the diet should be physiological, that is, the principle of losing weight by a specific method cannot contradict the physiological and biochemical processes of the body.


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If the first criterion is more or less clear, then the second is much more difficult to deal with. For example, there is a task to lose weight by 10 kg. It is assumed that you want to lose 10 kg of fat, and in fact in the process of losing weight you lose a large percentage of muscle mass. Such a result should be expected after the popular buckwheat diet for weight loss: weight has decreased, but the accumulated fat has remained in place, and the skin has lost elasticity.



Separately, we need to focus on the method of separate nutrition, which is also not physiological and, in fact, is a combination of emotional stress (in the form of getting used to a special diet) with an imitation of a very active approach to weight loss (you need to correctly distribute products by components, learn the tables combinations).


Separate nutrition for weight loss - a diet for weight loss and healing the body, developed in the early 20th century. The basis of this technique is the theory that for different types of food products, special conditions for digestion and assimilation are needed. Therefore, it is not recommended to mix different macronutrients during one meal. For example, proteins should not be eaten with carbohydrates. Fats do not need to be mixed with proteins, and it is also not recommended to combine two different types of protein (for example, cottage cheese and meat). If you mix incompatible products, then they are not digested properly, therefore, in the intestine, the processes of fermentation, decay, gas formation begin, metabolic disturbance. This harmonious, at first glance, theory was developed by a surgeon and a naturopath in collaboration. It gained great popularity, despite the fact that it is not at all physiological and does not take into account the biochemical processes that occur in the human body when digesting food.


Macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) that enter the body are digested with enzymes secreted by the pancreas. These enzymes are excreted simultaneously in equal amounts, so it makes absolutely no sense to eat proteins separately from fats. If you eat meat baked with cheese, the pancreas will secrete enzymes to break down meat (protein) and cheese (protein and fat). If you eat cooked low-fat meat, the pancreas will still secrete enzymes for meat (protein), fat, and even carbohydrates that you will not eat. The human body is adapted to digest a variety of foods in various combinations and does not need to share food.



It is worth noting that in a healthy body, enzymes are always allocated in the same amount, and therefore it makes sense to eat food in small portions, since with excess food there will be undigested parts (they will not have enough allocated enzymes). Separate nutrition can help in losing weight and healing, but not at all due to the careful separation of food and food combination tables. With separate nutrition, a person begins to better control the amount of food eaten, the diet, so the calorie content of the diet decreases and excess weight begins to go away. But separate nutrition does not take into account the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. With an unbalanced diet, muscle loss will occur, skin turgor will decrease, memory and mood will deteriorate.


Choose diets that take into account physiological processes, only they can contribute to proper weight loss and healing the body.

How to choose the most effective diet

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