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How to brew coffee beans

How to brew coffee beans
How to brew coffee beans

Video: 5 tips for brewing better coffee at home 2024, July

Video: 5 tips for brewing better coffee at home 2024, July

To strengthen mental abilities, increase reaction and resistance to stresses, a drink from grains of fruits of a tropical tree - coffee - will help. Not without reason in the XVI century a drink brewed from coffee tree beans was considered the “Drink of the Sages”.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Turk or coffee pot;
    • ground coffee - 1-2 teaspoons;
    • water - 100-150 milliliters;
    • sugar to taste.

Instruction manual


Decide on the dishes in which you will brew grain coffee. Oriental coffee maker or tall and thin coffee pot. An oriental coffee machine (otherwise it is called a Turk or jazzve) is preferable to take a copper one. Porcelain or enameled coffee pot.


Based on the selected dishes, it is necessary to grind coffee beans. If you brew coffee in a Turk, then you need a fine grinding. If you decide to make coffee in a coffee pot, then medium and coarse coffee is suitable.


The water for brewing coffee should be clean, soft, not boiled.


In order to make coffee in a Turk, it is necessary to prepare it. Put the turk on the stove and slightly heat the bottom. Pour finely ground coffee and heat a little (no more than a minute). If you prefer sweet coffee, add sugar to taste. Pour cold water into the Turk to the level of the bottleneck in the Turk. Brew coffee on the slowest fire. Watch your coffee carefully. Foam will begin to form in the Turk. As soon as the foam has risen as much as possible, but not collapsed, remove the coffee from the stove. Let the foam settle. After the foam has settled, repeat the process of foam formation once or twice. If the Turk is designed for one cup, it will be enough to raise one foam. Pour coffee into preheated cups.


In order to make coffee in a coffee pot, first you need to rinse it with boiling water. Pour half the coffee medium or coarse and pour hot water (93-95 degrees). Close the coffee pot tightly, including the spout. To close the nose use gauze or cotton wool. After two to three minutes, pour in the rest of the coffee and add water. Put the coffee pot in a container of hot water and leave it for 5-7 minutes to brew the coffee.


Pour the finished coffee into preheated cups and serve.


Do not boil coffee! Do not heat the coffee! Harmful substances get into the broth.

Useful advice

Grind coffee only once, because ground coffee quality deteriorates rapidly.

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