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How to recognize ripe watermelon

How to recognize ripe watermelon
How to recognize ripe watermelon

Video: How to Know if Watermelon is Ripe - Proven Methods (TURN ON SUBTITLES) 2024, July

Video: How to Know if Watermelon is Ripe - Proven Methods (TURN ON SUBTITLES) 2024, July

Watermelon is a very tasty and incredibly valuable food product containing a huge amount of substances useful for the human body. It perfectly quenches thirst, improves digestion, has an antitumor effect and is one of the most popular diet foods. However, all these properties are present only in a ripe fruit grown in vivo. You can recognize ripe watermelon by some signs.


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Instruction manual


The best time to buy watermelon in our country is the end of summer and autumn. Do not even try to buy this unique berry earlier, otherwise you risk getting an unripe and absolutely tasteless or stuffed with nitrates and other substances harmful to the body.


Buy watermelon only at a store or in a designated trading place. The watermelons that have collapsed near the road, saturated with the exhaust gases of passing cars, can cause not only poisoning, but also the development of other ailments that are more dangerous to health.


Choose a large, but not a giant watermelon. Remember that the larger, but lighter the berry, the ripe it is. Small or, conversely, giant watermelons will certainly not bring you pleasure or the expected taste experience.


You can recognize ripe watermelon by its dry tip. The fact is that it is with the help of drying and further separation of the tail that the watermelon is “disconnected” from the melon. A moist process indicates a premature harvest of an unripened crop.


The striped peel of a ripe watermelon is always in maximum contrast, and a bright spot on the side is painted in bright yellow or even orange. The absence of such a mark indicates the immaturity of the product.


A ripe watermelon is always covered with a dense, shiny crust, which is almost impossible to pierce with a fingernail. The fact is that the fruit that has ripened and independently fallen off from the melon no longer absorbs moisture, so its crust hardens.


Before making a purchase, tap the fetus with your fist. If you hear a loud, and not a dull sound, it means a ripe watermelon.


You can recognize a ripe watermelon by putting it to your ear and squeezing it with all your strength. If the peel of the watermelon bends a little and makes a kind of crack, feel free to make a purchase.


If there is a container of water near the point of sale of watermelons, for example, a barrel or a large basin, throw the copy you like most into the liquid and observe what is happening. A ripe watermelon will certainly come up, and an unripe one will go under water.

Useful advice

Watermelon is a bisexual berry, moreover, "watermelon-girls", according to numerous observations, are much tastier than "boys". It is easy to distinguish a male from a female. The bottom of the "watermelon-boy" is convex, and the circle on it is quite small. The bottom of the "girls" is usually flatter, and the circle on it is wide.

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