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How to decorate salads for the holiday

How to decorate salads for the holiday
How to decorate salads for the holiday

Video: Decoration of salads for any holiday 2024, July

Video: Decoration of salads for any holiday 2024, July

If you are familiar with the art of cutting vegetables, turning a dish into a work of art will not be a problem for you. However, having fantasized, you can please the guests with salads decorated using less sophisticated techniques.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For the first method:
  • - mayonnaise;

  • - pomegranate seeds.
  • For the second method:
  • - dill;

  • - pomegranate seeds;

  • - canned corn.
  • For the third method:
  • - pitted olives;

  • - fresh parsley.
  • For the fourth method:
  • - potato chips;

  • - pitted olives

  • - cling film.
  • For the fifth method:
  • - cling film;

  • - pitted olives

  • - fresh herbs.

Instruction manual


To decorate salads with a top layer of grated cheese or boiled egg yolk, ordinary mayonnaise in soft packaging is suitable. Cut a corner from the bag and decorate the surface of the dish with mayonnaise stripes and curls. Complete the decoration with pomegranate seeds.


To decorate dishes, greens are very often used. To decorate the dish, take six to ten lush branches of fresh dill and place them in a half ring on the surface of the salad. Sprinkle dill with pomegranate seeds and canned corn.

This decoration can be used for salads with a plain or bright surface. A garland of dill is best placed along the edge of the salad bowl.


Olives are part of many salads. They can be used for decoration. Lay on the surface of the salad a bunch of seedless olives and add a few twigs of fresh parsley to the top of the bunch. This decoration is suitable for salads with rice and chicken.


Using olives and potato chips, you can turn the dish into a flower of a sunflower. In order to decorate the salad in this way, lay it on a flat plate with a slide and take the surface, covering the salad with cling film.

Make petals of potato chips of the same size, laying them along the edge of the dish. Make the dark middle of the sunflower from olives by sticking them in the surface of the salad.


From salads dressed with mayonnaise, you can form a snake on a dish. To do this, put the finished salad in a plastic wrap and blindfold a sausage of seven to eight centimeters in diameter.

Transfer the sausage from the salad to a long dish. You can lay out the snake in a zigzag pattern. Without removing the film, form a snake’s head at one end. After that, carefully remove the film.

Sprinkle finely chopped greens on the snake and decorate the surface with a pattern drawn with mayonnaise. At the same time, mayonnaise can be squeezed out of a bag with a cut corner. Fill the empty places on the dish with olives. From the same olives you can make the eyes of a snake.

Different ways to decorate dishes

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