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How to make a satchel cake

How to make a satchel cake
How to make a satchel cake

Video: How To Make a Fashion HANDBAG Cake with MAKEUP | Pastel Bolso con Maquillaje 2024, July

Video: How To Make a Fashion HANDBAG Cake with MAKEUP | Pastel Bolso con Maquillaje 2024, July

All holidays are usually celebrated with a cake. A non-standard treat can be prepared in the form of a satchel and please the schoolboy with an excellent completion of the quarter.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 6 eggs;

  • - a glass of sugar;

  • - 1.5 cups flour;

  • - a teaspoon of baking powder
  • For the layer of cakes:

  • - 250 ml cream (35-37%);

  • - 250 g of cottage cheese;

  • - 2/3 glasses of sugar;

  • - 0.5 teaspoon of vanillin
  • For protein cream:

  • - 3 squirrels;

  • - 230 g of sugar;

  • - 85 g of water;

  • - 1/3 teaspoons of water;

  • - 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa;

  • - lemon acid;

  • - blue and yellow food color
  • For filling:

  • - 2-3 bananas;

  • - 3 kiwi

Instruction manual


Make cakes. Divide the eggs into yolks and squirrels. Beat the whites on a high power mixer until snow-white peaks. Gradually add sugar pre-mixed with vanilla.


The result should be a lush, steady mass. Then reducing the speed of the mixer, enter the yolks one at a time. As soon as the contents are in a uniform state, add flour mixed with baking powder.


Now mix only with a spatula. Cover the rectangular baking dish with parchment paper, transfer the dough into it. Bake at 170 ° C for about 45 minutes.


At the end of baking, turn the biscuit pan onto the wire rack. Leave to cool completely. Prepare a cream for layering cakes. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add sugar, mix.


Introduce whipped cream to the curd mass. Peel the fruit, cut into circles. Cut the biscuit in half lengthwise. Fold the resulting 2 cakes onto each other.


Cut out the knapsack shape and front pocket. Grind the scraps into crumbs. After adding a little cream, mix until a thick sticky biscuit mass is formed. Layered with cream and fruit satchel cakes.



Make side pockets and a handle out of biscuit mass. Glue the parts to the satchel with cream. Prepare a protein cream. Drive well-chilled proteins into a stable foam.



Place a pot of water and sugar on medium heat. After boiling sugar syrup, detect 4 minutes and pour citric acid. Cook for 3-4 minutes until lazy bubbles.


Ready syrup (a drop of syrup in cold water should keep its shape) pour in a thin stream into the protein mass and beat the mixture with a mixer for 10 minutes. Enter the cocoa.


The finished cream, breaking away from the blades holds its shape. Before working with the cream, you should put it in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes, it will be better to keep the configuration.


Divide the protein cream into 2 parts, mix in each paint. Cover the satchel with blue cream, except for pockets and a pen. Smooth better with your hand, then the surface will be smooth.



If there are no food colors, you can tint the cream with products. Pink color is obtained by adding red jam syrup. Brown with cocoa and yellow with turmeric.


Filling the pastry bag with yellow cream using the star attachment, first carry out the contours of the satchel, then the front pocket. Finally, color the side pockets.



Decorate the front pocket with the narrow tube nozzle, depict letters and numbers. Cover the handle with cream, smoothing it with a wet hand. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.


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