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How to make rolls with pita bread

How to make rolls with pita bread
How to make rolls with pita bread

Table of contents:

Video: How to Build a Pita 2024, July

Video: How to Build a Pita 2024, July

Lavash rolls are extremely fast to cook and very tasty kind of cold appetizer. There are a huge number of recipes for such rolls, which can be served with pleasure to the table.


Pick your recipe

The main thing is the foundation

As the basis for the roll, it is best to take a thin Armenian pita bread, which today can be easily purchased at any store. However, it is very easy to cook it at home. To do this, it is enough to take flour, salt, water, yeast, mix everything together (you can also add butter for taste), let it brew and roll the resulting dough into thin cakes. Fry them in a hot pan - and the basis for the rolls is ready. Outwardly, these cakes resemble thin pancakes, and unsweetened bread to taste.

Gourmet appetizer

As a filling for pita rolls, any product available in the refrigerator can be used. Do not immediately cut the obtained rolls, because they have not yet had time to soak, which means that the filling can fall out of pita bread and the dish will be spoiled. And so that the resulting roll does not crumble and do not tear in the hands - it is better to make it in several layers (at least three) and put it in a refrigerator for some period (from 30-40 minutes to 2-3 hours), wrapping it in foil. You can bring the roll to readiness by frying it in a pan until golden brown, or bake it in the oven. Do not freeze the roll in the freezer - otherwise, when defrosting, you will not get any tasty porridge.

For lubrication, it is best to take mayonnaise, in rare cases sour cream or melted butter will do (just do not forget to slightly salt the resulting filling). But do not get carried away with mayonnaise or any other product selected for impregnation, otherwise the pita leaves may break.

For the filling, you can take greens, cottage cheese or any other processed cheese, low-smoked fish, crab meat, pickles, any fresh vegetables and even meat products. The choice depends on the quality of the dish served rolls. If, as a light meal, vegetables and herbs are suitable, as an additional dish to soup or broth - with meat and herbs, an appetizer for alcoholic drinks - fish and pickles.

To prepare tender rolls for breakfast you need:

- 4 thin pita bread;

- 1 small white cabbage;

- 1 fresh cucumber;

- 200 g of crab sticks;

- fresh herbs;

- mayonnaise.

In order to make the rolls correctly, you should take the first pita bread and spread it with the selected sauce, top, slightly moving the edges, put the second layer and lay out the main filling, and fix the result with the third layer. At the same time, the number of layers can be adjusted: if the filling is small or it is soft, you can make roll from one pita bread, but it will also be eaten very quickly.

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