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How to make peach compote

How to make peach compote
How to make peach compote

Video: Peach Compote (How to Make Simple Peach Sauce) 2024, July

Video: Peach Compote (How to Make Simple Peach Sauce) 2024, July

Preparations for the winter will help diversify nutrition and enrich it with vitamins. Peach compote will be a wonderful dessert for any winter dish. The method of its preparation without sterilization will help housewives to please the whole family with minimal time and effort.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 1 kg of peaches;
    • 350 g of granulated sugar;
    • 1 teaspoon of citric acid;
    • 600 g of water.

Instruction manual


Pick peaches with firm and dense pulp. Make sure that they do not come across wormy or beaten fruits. It is advisable to choose fruits of the same size for each can of compote.


Remove the stem from the selected peaches and rinse thoroughly. Then peel the fruit. To make it separate, easily make a cross-shaped incision, dip the peaches in boiling water for one minute, then take them out and immediately put them in a bowl of cold water. After all this, peel, cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds from them.


Fold the peaches in a jar for three quarters. Make sugar syrup. To do this, pour one glass of sugar in a boiling water in a two-liter jar and one and a half glasses of sugar in a three-liter one. Bring to a boil, fill the peaches with this composition in a jar and leave it in this state for about five minutes, covering them with sterilized lids.


Pour the syrup into the pan, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Dilute citric acid in warm water until completely dissolved, then pour into a saucepan with boiling syrup. Bring to a boil again and pour over the jars of peaches again.


Roll up jars with sterilized lids and turn them over. Place the inverted cans on the dry paper lids and wait a few seconds. Properly rolled up, they should not let the liquid out, so the paper under the containers with peaches should remain dry. If everything is done correctly, wrap the jars with compote in something warm and leave until cool.


Such reserves can be stored for several months, and when opened, the taste and smell of these peaches will be almost like fresh ones. Nectarines and apricots can also be preserved.

Useful advice

Your compote will make a wonderful cocktail for the party, if the fruit is crushed in a blender with liquid, add crushed ice and grape wine. Serve in a tall glass, garnishing with pieces of fresh peach on top.

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