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How to cook a chicken and mushroom casserole

How to cook a chicken and mushroom casserole
How to cook a chicken and mushroom casserole

Video: Easy Chicken and Mushroom Casserole Recipe - Natasha's Kitchen 2024, July

Video: Easy Chicken and Mushroom Casserole Recipe - Natasha's Kitchen 2024, July

There are many different casseroles. Try a chicken and champignon casserole. This dish is useful because it is cooked in an oven. Everything else, it is very satisfying and tasty.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 8 medium sized potatoes

  • - 150 grams of hard cheese

  • - 200 grams of champignons

  • - 1 head of onion

  • - 300 grams of chicken fillet

  • - salt

  • - ground black pepper

  • - spices

  • - 250 grams of sour cream

Instruction manual


To begin with, we’ll wash, peel the potatoes and cut them into thin, but not transparent, circles. It’s better to take medium-sized potatoes for this dish, so that the circles are easier to cut and fry faster.


Next, put the potatoes in a pan or a deep cup. Sprinkle with spices to your taste. Add salt, ground black pepper. Next, take a baking sheet and grease it with vegetable oil. We spread potato circles on it.


Next, take the chicken and chop it into small cubes. Add spices to it and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until golden brown. We spread the fried chicken fillet in a baking sheet on the potatoes. Lubricate these two layers with sour cream. This is necessary for the juiciness of the dish and so that it does not burn.


Next, take the mushrooms and put in a pan. We wash it and cut the onion into cubes and fry it all with the addition of vegetable oil. When the champignons are ready, put them on top of the chicken fillet and also grease well with sour cream. Preheat the oven and set our dish to fry. Meanwhile, rub the cheese on a coarse grater.


You can find out the readiness of the dish by pulling out a baking sheet and piercing the potatoes with a toothpick or knife. If it is soft, add shabby cheese to the dish. Next, put it on the stove for another 5 minutes. After we take it out and serve it.

Useful advice

Fry mushrooms and chicken should be in moderation, as they will still be baked in the oven.

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