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How to make Sassi water

How to make Sassi water
How to make Sassi water

Video: Flat Belly Diet Drink Sassy Water - How To Lose Fat Belly Easy And Fast - How Works Sassy Water 2024, July

Video: Flat Belly Diet Drink Sassy Water - How To Lose Fat Belly Easy And Fast - How Works Sassy Water 2024, July

The healing, vitamin water of Sassi at one time made a real sensation among those who decided to lose weight by summer in record time. The author of this prescription is the famous nutritionist Cynthia Sass. Initially, Sassi water was used as a supplement to the diet, but then it gained popularity as an independent means of achieving a flat stomach. Strictly speaking, this drink does not only affect body fat - a pleasant additional effect is the overall healing of the body, improving the condition of the skin and hair.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - spring, filtered or drinking water of industrial production - 2 liters;

  • - ginger root - 10-30 g.;

  • - medium cucumber - 1 pc.,

  • - fresh peppermint - 2 branches;

  • - 2.5 liter jug ​​(the container should fit on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and have a lid) - 1 pc.;

  • - fine grater - 1 pc.

Instruction manual


Use the purest water that is in the house. The best option is water from a spring source enriched with minerals. The boiled tap water for the preparation of the drink is not categorically suitable. Boiling kills only the bacterial flora from a liquid, but does not cope with iron and chlorine, which reduces the value of Sassi water to zero.


Rinse the ginger and carefully peel it with a sharp knife. It is important to cut out all the soft spots of the beginning rot. Ginger should be fibrous, moist and dense. Using a fine grater, grate the ginger into the pulp so that 1 teaspoon with a hill is obtained. The most valuable thing in ginger is the juice, which begins to literally flow on the grater. This is a sign of freshness of the product. When rubbing, plastic or ceramic containers should be used so that the healing product is not absorbed (for example, on the surface of a wooden cutting board).


Wash lemon, cucumber and mint in very hot water. It is especially important to thoroughly rinse the surface of the cucumber and lemon. To avoid unnecessary flora entering the water in the form of bacteria on the surface of the skin, the vegetable and citrus can be pre-cleaned. However, it is better to preserve the skin of the lemon, because it also enriches the drink, as well as the pulp.


Cut the cucumber into thin slices. It is important to use a sharp knife to avoid excess juice remaining on the board - the products should give it to the drink to the maximum. Pour water into a container and add chopped cucumber and lemon to it. Tear the mint leaves with your hands and add to the drink with the stem.


Stir the resulting drink with a clean spoon, cover and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. During this time, under the influence of cold products will give the maximum amount of healing juice. Before drinking, it is better to strain the water through cheesecloth and store it strictly in the refrigerator. It is important to take one 2-liter batch of water during the day, preferably until 18.00.


It is important to remember that Sassi water has a number of contraindications. So, with individual intolerance to the components of the recipe, you will have to refuse the drink. Also, water should not be taken with weak kidneys.

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