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How to make apple jam for the winter

How to make apple jam for the winter
How to make apple jam for the winter

Video: Apple Jam! Just two ingredients,no pectin!Russian "Povidlo" 2024, July

Video: Apple Jam! Just two ingredients,no pectin!Russian "Povidlo" 2024, July

Useful and tasty apple jam in winter will be an excellent dessert for tea or a filling for a pie. Variety of ordinary apple jam can be dried fruits, nuts, caramel and other additives.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For apple jam with dried apricots:
    • - 1.5 kg of apples;
    • - 1.5 kg of sugar;
    • - 1 glass of dried apricots;
    • - juice of 1 lemon;
    • - 1 glass of water.
    • For apple jam with almonds:
    • - 2 kg of apples;
    • - 2 kg of sugar;
    • - 2 tbsp. l peeled almonds;
    • - zest from 3 lemons;
    • - 2 cm ginger root;
    • - 2 glasses of water.
    • For apple jam with caramel:
    • - 2 kg of Antonov apples;
    • - 800 g of sugar;
    • - 1 lemon;
    • - 100 g of cognac or rum.
    • For jam "Paradise apples":
    • - 1 kg of small apples (3-4 cm in diameter);
    • - 1 kg of sugar;
    • - 0.5 cups of water.

Instruction manual


Apple jam with dried apricots

Rinse dried apricots, pour boiling water for several minutes and cut into small pieces. Wash and peel the apples, then remove the core. Cut the pulp into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Dissolve sugar in water and cook with a small boil for 10-15 minutes. Pour apples and dried apricots in sugar syrup and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Bring the jam to a boil again. Reduce the fire and cook for half an hour. Do not forget to remove the foam. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars.


Apple jam with almonds

Wash the apples, remove the seeds and cut into slices. Peel and finely chop the ginger root. Transfer apples and ginger to a large saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. After 6-8 hours, pour 2 cups of water. Put on a small fire and cook after boiling for 5 minutes. Leave on for 10-12 hours. Boil the jam again for 15 minutes. Pour the grated lemon zest and keep on fire for another 5 minutes.

Slice almonds and fry for 3 minutes in a frying pan without oil. Pour the nuts into the hot jam, stir, place in sterilized jars and cover with lids.


with caramel

Peel the apples and cut the seed box. Dice the apples and squeeze the lemon on them. Dissolve 200 g of sugar in 1/3 cup of water. Put the mixture on the fire and cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar turns yellow. Remove from heat immediately, add apples, remaining sugar and stir. Put the apples on a small fire. Cook jam 40 minutes after boiling. Pour in alcohol (rum or cognac), mix, pour into glass jars and roll up.


Jam "Paradise apples"

Sort apples - only ripe, not wormy, and not broken fruits are suitable for jam. Wash apples in running water. The core and cuttings should not be removed. Prick each fruit in several places with a needle or a toothpick.

Fold the apples in an enameled bowl, add sugar, pour half a glass of water and bring to a boil. Leave for a day at room temperature. Then boil the apples again for 5 minutes and leave for another day. For the third time, boil apples in syrup with a small boil for about 10 minutes. Scald the jars with boiling water and put apples on them, pour in the syrup. Cork with lids, wrap and let cool.

Paradise Jam

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