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How to cook veal liver in Venetian style

How to cook veal liver in Venetian style
How to cook veal liver in Venetian style

Video: Recipe: Calves Liver 2024, July

Video: Recipe: Calves Liver 2024, July

Venetian veal liver - a dish from Italian cuisine. An ideal side dish in this case is a gentle mashed potato. The liver is cooked in just 30 minutes, and on the table it looks like a real holiday treat.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 50 g flour

  • - 600 g of calf liver

  • - 500 g of potatoes

  • - 250 ml of milk

  • - basil

  • - salt

  • - ground black pepper

  • - 20 ml of lemon juice

  • - lettuce

  • - 150 g of cherry tomatoes

  • - 50 g of capers

Instruction manual


Boil the potatoes and mash it. To make it tender and lush during cooking, add warm milk and melted butter to the potatoes.


Cut the liver into small pieces or medallions. Rub the workpiece thoroughly with salt, black pepper and dip lightly in flour. Put the liver in a pan and fry until cooked in vegetable or olive oil.


Do not drain the oil remaining after frying the liver. It can be used to make sauce. Add the butter, capers, chopped basil and cherry tomatoes to the pan.


Lay the pieces of liver and mashed potatoes on a plate. Top the dish with a sauce of cherry tomatoes and capers. For decoration, you can use lettuce or fresh herbs.

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