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How to Make Melon Smoothie

How to Make Melon Smoothie
How to Make Melon Smoothie

Video: Cantaloupe Smoothie Recipe • Perfect Smoothie to stay Hydrated! - Episode #144 2024, July

Video: Cantaloupe Smoothie Recipe • Perfect Smoothie to stay Hydrated! - Episode #144 2024, July

Melon smoothie is a pleasant drink that can be prepared at home in a matter of minutes, which is especially convenient when you want to please household members or unexpected guests. There are many choices of melon smoothies, so true gourmets can also choose.


Pick your recipe

To make a smoothie, you need a very ripe and fragrant melon. If the pulp is not very sweet, prepare powdered sugar in advance. It is advisable that there are no nitrates in the vegetable, so you should only buy in verified places.

Rinse the melon thoroughly under running water - you can use a brush and a special tool. Dry or towel dry the fruit. Cut in half and take out the seeds. Inspect the melon, if the seeds are left in places, remove them, otherwise they can get into the smoothie, which is extremely undesirable.

Use a napkin to make 2-4 balls - it depends on the number of servings, as they will be used for decoration. Remove the peel from the rest of the melon, cut and place in a blender. Grind until the pulp turns into a homogeneous mass. If necessary, add icing sugar to taste.

If you want a milder taste of melon smoothie, add cream to the blender when chopping the pulp - determine the amount at your discretion, but do not overdo it, otherwise the drink will turn out to be too liquid. For people who monitor calorie content, high-quality milk is optimal instead of fat cream.

Melon in combination with a small amount of watermelon is an excellent option for those who like less saturated drinks. From the pulp of watermelon you need to remove the seeds. Combine the vegetables in the proportion that you like best, but keep in mind that there should still be more melons.

Melon and mango smoothies - a combination for lovers of unusual tastes. Prepare melon, wash the mango and take out the bone, remove the peel. Cut the fruit into cubes and send the pulp into a blender. If you like sweet drinks, add powdered sugar. Squeeze a little lime juice to add a more exotic flavor.

If your blender does not have enough power, so small large pieces remain, grind the smoothie through a sieve. This, of course, is not very quick and enjoyable, but it is worth it. Keep in mind that you do not need to filter the drink through cheesecloth, as pulp must be present in it.

Try a smoothie. If his bite is saturated, but not cloying, you were able to properly prepare the drink. Too sweet smoothie should be slightly diluted with water or put a little more ice in it to adjust the taste.

Before serving smoothies, garnish with cut balls, mint leaves. Serve the drink chilled, if necessary add some crushed ice. The edges of the glass can be decorated with powdered sugar, slices of lemon or lime. In general, fantasy has no limits. It is worth noting that the drink contains a lot of calories, so it is not suitable for people on a diet.

Chain of Taste Alphabet stores offers its customers everything for making melon smoothies. We always have ripe and proven vegetables that have an unrivaled aroma. If you do not have time, you can always order products with home delivery through the online store or by phone. With the ABC of Taste, cooking is easy and simple!

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