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How to cook small fish

How to cook small fish
How to cook small fish

Video: EATING WHOLE FISH - how to make Whitebait- Cooking with Chef Dai 2024, July

Video: EATING WHOLE FISH - how to make Whitebait- Cooking with Chef Dai 2024, July

The fish contains the necessary mineral elements for the human body: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, fluorine. And in the meat of sea fish there is still a large percentage of iodine and bromine. The high nutritional value and taste characteristics of the fish make it indispensable both in the daily diet and in diet. The protein of fish meat is absorbed by the body more easily and twice as fast as the protein of animal meat. Therefore, it is necessary to include fish as often as possible in the daily menu. And it cooks incomparably faster than meat.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For "Royal Capelin":
    • 500 g of frozen capelin;
    • 50 g of vegetable refined oil;
    • 20 g of soy sauce;
    • salt.
    • For the little things
    • braised with greens:
    • 800 g of fish;
    • 150 g of green onions;
    • 25 g of parsley;
    • 25 g of dill;
    • 25 g celery;
    • 100 g crackers;
    • 0.5 l of milk or 1 cup of sour cream;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1.5 tablespoons of flour;
    • 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • salt.

Instruction manual


"Capelin royally." Put frozen fish for several minutes in cold water until it is partially thawed. Then sort through, rinsing thoroughly. Separate the relatively large capelin from the smaller fish. Clean the larger capelin, cut off the heads and remove the entrails. Small fish does not require additional processing.


Moderately salt all the fish. The main taste will give the dish soy sauce. Place the capelin tightly (fish to fish) in a pan with poured vegetable oil. Shake the pan from side to side so that the oil is evenly distributed under the fish along the bottom. Place the pan over medium heat.


After about ten minutes, see if the fish is browning on one side. If so, sprinkle it on top of soy sauce. And again shake the pan from side to side.


After about five minutes, turn the capelin over. With proper frying, capelin will not stick to the pan, but it will fry well between itself. It is convenient to turn it over with a spatula, immediately picking up a whole layer.


Add the remaining soy sauce and reduce heat to low. Ten minutes later, the toasted fish will be ready.


Trifle stewed with herbs. For this dish, any small fish is suitable. Clean, gut, and rinse river fish. Then salt and put the prepared fish for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.


Wash, dry and finely chop green onions, parsley, dill and celery.


Crush crackers into large crumbs and mix them with herbs.


Remove the fish from the refrigerator, brew in flour and fry in vegetable oil until half-cooked.


Grease the bottom of the pan or stewpan with vegetable oil and lay out a mixture of greens and breadcrumbs. Put fried fish on top of the greens.


Heat the milk and fill it with fish. Close the pan with a lid and simmer everything over low heat.


Boil the eggs separately, peel and chop finely. Transfer the finished fish to a dish, garnish with fresh herbs and sprinkle with chopped eggs.


If you use a cast-iron frying pan without Teflon coating when frying "Capelin royally", then it must be filled with hot water immediately after cooking. Otherwise, dried oil with soy sauce will be difficult to wash.

Useful advice

It is necessary to wash the fish in clean running water very quickly. Since, upon contact of fish with water, extractive substances are washed out of it, and fish tissues are irrigated, which leads to a deterioration in the properties of fish meat.

A restaurant. Recipes of fish dishes.

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