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How to cook khachapuri in a regular pan

How to cook khachapuri in a regular pan
How to cook khachapuri in a regular pan

Video: Cheese Bread Recipe ! How To Make Georgian Khachapuri On The Pan ! Easyvideo 2024, July

Video: Cheese Bread Recipe ! How To Make Georgian Khachapuri On The Pan ! Easyvideo 2024, July

Georgian cuisine is very popular all over the world. Khachapuri in this case is one of the most striking examples. The word "khachapuri" in translation from the native Georgian language means "bread with cottage cheese." Such a translation is quite generalized, because most often in the preparation of this dish is not used cottage cheese, but grated cheese. Traditionally, khachapuri is baked on charcoal, but lovers of Georgian cakes can easily bake it in an ordinary frying pan.


Pick your recipe

You will need

mixer or blender, frying pan, 2 eggs, 200 grams of cheese of any kind, 200 grams of thick sour cream, vegetable oil, a small bunch of dill, 2 tablespoons of flour of any kind

Instruction manual


There are a lot of varieties of khachapuri. Moreover, Georgian cakes differ not only in their contents, but also in the method of preparing the dough, as well as in the form of baking. This is due to the fact that each region of Georgia has its own traditional recipes for preparing various dishes. Moreover, khachapuri cooked in different places have even different names. Khachapuri with fillings are usually prepared in the form of boats or small cakes, but cheese khachapuri are found in round, oval, and elongated shapes.


To cook khachapuri in a regular frying pan at home, you will need a minimum amount of ingredients. The main advantage of this dish is its amazing speed and ease of preparation. First of all, immediately prepare the cheese and dill. Greens must be chopped as finely as possible, and grate the cheese.


There are several options for making dough for Georgian khachapuri. The simplest of these is the following method. Take a pre-prepared amount of sour cream, add two tablespoons of flour (preferably with a slide) and two eggs. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. You can use a blender or mixer, but most housewives use the usual whisks for all.


Shredded dill and grated cheese are immediately added to the resulting mass. After that, the khachapuri dough is ready for baking. Put the cakes in a preheated pan. At this stage of the preparation of tortillas, you can experiment - your khachapuri can be small, the size of the surface of a pan, oval, round. It all depends on your imagination. The resulting cakes are fried on both sides. This cooking recipe is very similar to the method of baking ordinary pancakes.

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