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How to make dessert for type 2 diabetic

How to make dessert for type 2 diabetic
How to make dessert for type 2 diabetic

Video: Best Dessert for Diabetes | Diabetes Dessert Recipes 2024, July

Video: Best Dessert for Diabetes | Diabetes Dessert Recipes 2024, July

Even among people with diabetes, there are sweet tooth. Of course, you can purchase the appropriate products in the store, but in a wide range it is found only in large supermarkets, and it is not cheap. You can prepare delicious and simple desserts yourself.


Pick your recipe

Curd Souffle

You will need:

- low fat cottage cheese - 1 pack;

- egg - 1 pc;

- sweet and sour apple - 1 pc;

- cinnamon - 1/4 tsp

We spread the cottage cheese in a deep bowl. Rub the apple on a medium grater and add it to the curd (previously you can peel it), mix thoroughly. Add the raw egg to the resulting mass and beat with a mixer until smooth. Place the bowl in the microwave for 5 minutes at full power. Gently transfer the finished souffle to a plate, sprinkle with cinnamon before serving.


Pumpkin - Apple Hot Salad

- pumpkin 200 gr;

- sweet and sour apple - 1 large;

- onion 1 pc;

- lemon juice - 1-2 tbsp;

- honey 1 tbsp;

- salt - 0.5 tsp;

- olive oil (sunflower) - 1-2 tbsp.

Heat the oil over low heat. We clean the pumpkin and cut into slices of 1-1.5 cm, pour into a pan, simmer for 10 minutes. Peel the apple, remove the core, cut into cubes and add to the pumpkin. Cut the onion into 1/4 ringlet, pour it into the pan. Add honey, lemon juice and salt, mix gently and simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve hot.


Cheesecakes in the oven

You will need:

- cottage cheese 0% - 200-250 gr;

- egg - 1 pc;

- oatmeal - 1 tbsp;

- salt 1/3 tsp;

- honey - 1 tsp

Pour oatmeal with boiling water and leave for 5-7 minutes, then carefully drain the water. Knead the cottage cheese with a fork, add flakes, egg, salt and honey, mix until smooth. We heat the oven to 180 degrees, cover the baking sheet with parchment (baking paper). From the curd-oatmeal, we form cottage cheese pancakes, put in a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 40 minutes.


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