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How to stew potatoes

How to stew potatoes
How to stew potatoes

Video: How we Make Stewed Potatoes, The Best Southern Cooks use Simple Ingredients 2024, July

Video: How we Make Stewed Potatoes, The Best Southern Cooks use Simple Ingredients 2024, July

Potato is perhaps the champion among vegetables in the number of dishes that are prepared from it. Potatoes can be an ideal ingredient in meat, fish and vegetable salads, in various soups. But you can cook a wonderful treat in which she herself will be the main component. For example, potatoes stewed with vegetables in Armenian style.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 6 potatoes
    • 400 g eggplant
    • 4 large tomatoes
    • 2 red sweet peppers
    • 2 large onions
    • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil
    • 3 bunches of greens to your liking
    • Salt to taste
    • Stewpan

Instruction manual


Peeled onions and potatoes, eggplant, cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil for about 5 minutes.


Cut red bell pepper into cubes and add to the stewpan with potatoes. Pour in water to cover vegetables. Cover and simmer for about 20-30 minutes over low heat until the potatoes are tender.


5 minutes before cooking, add the chopped tomatoes.


Pour the finished dish with the vegetable juice formed during the stew, sprinkle generously with chopped herbs.

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