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How to distinguish milk from a dairy product

How to distinguish milk from a dairy product
How to distinguish milk from a dairy product

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Video: Which type of milk is best for you? - Jonathan J. O’Sullivan & Grace E. Cunningham 2024, July

Video: Which type of milk is best for you? - Jonathan J. O’Sullivan & Grace E. Cunningham 2024, July

The dairy product is not made from whole natural milk, but using dairy raw materials, the so-called milk powder. Many manufacturers sell milk drinks under the guise of a natural product, which is against the law.


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Most consumers of dairy products have long ceased to believe that it is natural, constantly complain about its quality, but stubbornly continue to buy low-quality milk, sour cream more like cream and kefir, which breaks down into grains. In fact, to distinguish natural milk from its substitute is very simple.

According to the requirements of the regulation, a dairy product (drink) is called one that is made on the basis of dry milk powder or cream. The manufacturer does not have the right to indicate on the package that it is natural, thereby increasing its value. However, many go to such violations, trying to maintain the number of products with a lack of raw materials or increase their production.

How to distinguish natural from powdered milk

Before buying a bag or bottle of milk, you need to carefully study all the information that is on the label. First of all, you need to pay attention to the shelf life of the drink, because if it is more than 7 days, then this indicates its unnatural origin and the presence of preservatives and stabilizers in it. Natural milk cannot be stored for more than 5 days, even if it is well boiled or sterilized and it is known to any person, and since childhood.

After the purchase, the contents of the package must be poured into a container of transparent material and after a few hours to check whether cream has settled on its surface. If this did not happen, then under the guise of a natural one, milk made from powder was bought and it is better to refuse the goods of this manufacturer.

You can check the quality of milk with table vinegar. The fact is that in the manufacture of a drink from powder baking soda is used, which will hiss when in contact with vinegar essence, and in any concentration.

And another indicator of quality and origin is price. Natural milk cannot be cheap; low cost is an indicator that cheap non-natural substances were used to make it.

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