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How to free caviar from a film

How to free caviar from a film
How to free caviar from a film

Video: How Russian Sturgeon Caviar Is Farmed and Processed — How To Make It 2024, July

Video: How Russian Sturgeon Caviar Is Farmed and Processed — How To Make It 2024, July

When salting caviar, there is often a need to clean it from films, which are called pails. Otherwise, her taste will suffer greatly - she will be bitter.


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Instruction manual


Make a pickle for caviar. For one liter of purified water you will need about three tablespoons of salt. If the caviar was previously frozen, first defrost it in cold water.


Take such a quantity of brine so that you can then completely immerse in it all the caviar prepared for processing. Enameled container is best suited for these purposes.


Bring the brine to a boil over medium heat and cool it a little. Check the temperature - throw a small piece of caviar with a film into the brine. If the film turns white, and the caviar itself does not change its color, then the temperature is suitable. If it suddenly changes color and, in addition, hardens, the water is still too hot and you will have to wait until it cools to the optimum temperature (approximately 60 ° C).


After the temperature reaches the required limit, place the whole caviar in the solution for about 30-35 minutes. Then taste it. If it seems to you that salt is still insufficient, the aging time of eggs in the solution should be increased. And if you decide that there is too much of it, wash the eggs 1-2 times under a gentle stream of water.


When the quality of the ambassador matches your taste, proceed further. Take a regular kitchen whisk and begin to gently mix the eggs. The largest films will remain on the whisk. Remove them while stirring.


Spread gradually caviar, already freed from the films, on cheesecloth in order to glass water. If the films are not completely removed, take a paper towel and lightly press it on the gauze with the lined caviar. This will help you dry it and clean it almost completely.


Suspend gauze with caviar for half an hour so that the water is finally glass. With a teaspoon, carefully collect the prepared caviar in a jar and refrigerate.

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