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How to bake pancakes

How to bake pancakes
How to bake pancakes

Video: How to Make Easy Pancakes | Allrecipes.com 2024, July

Video: How to Make Easy Pancakes | Allrecipes.com 2024, July

Shrovetide is already on the nose, and everyone is slowly starting to cook the main dish of spring - fragrant and rosy pancakes. But, alas, almost every hostess wants to cook more pancakes for the whole family, forgetting about the quality and the right baking technology.


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Instruction manual


Pancakes will be neat if sifted flour is allowed to stand for a bit.


To increase the stickiness of the flour, only hot liquid should be added to the pancake dough.


It is very important not to overdo it with either sugar or salt: the salted dough does not roam, such a pancake will turn pale; and from excess sugar, the dough may harden.


To keep the dough without lumps, you can dilute the flour in salted water.


So that the pancake does not burn, before cooking, you must first sprinkle the pan with salt, and then wipe it with a dry cloth.


If the pancakes "break" when turning, then more eggs must be added to the dough.


It is most convenient to cook pancakes in two pans, and put the third on a small fire. Ready pancakes are put in it, greased with warmed butter. A stack of pancakes needs to be turned over from time to time - then by the time the last pancake is ready, the first ones will not have time to cool down.


If you suddenly need to warm up ready-made pancakes, then they can be covered with foil and put in the oven at 140 degrees for 10-15 minutes.


To give freshness to yesterday’s pancakes, each one should be sprinkled with sugar from the inside, then folded four times and put on a slightly greased baking sheet. Preheat in the oven at 180 degrees for 4-5 minutes.

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