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What is the best way to bake meat

What is the best way to bake meat
What is the best way to bake meat

Video: How to Cook Perfect Roast Beef | Jamie Oliver 2024, July

Video: How to Cook Perfect Roast Beef | Jamie Oliver 2024, July

Baked meat is a real decoration of the festive table. It can be served hot, as a main dish, or offered as an appetizer, accompanied by pickled vegetables and sauces. Bake beef or pork in a large piece - cooking will require a lot of time, but the result will surely please home and guests.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Roast beef:
    • a piece of beef (sirloin or rib portion);
    • a glass of beef broth;
    • 30 g of beef fat;
    • 3 tablespoons of flour;
    • salt
    • pepper;
    • foil.
    • Boiled pork;
    • a piece of pork (ham);
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • salt
    • pepper;
    • foil.

Instruction manual


If you have a piece of good beef - best sirloin or rib part - you can cook a real English roast beef. Wash the meat, peel it of the films, dry with napkins, rub with salt and pepper. If you get too lean a piece, coat it with melted beef fat. Sprinkle the meat with flour - then a delicious crispy crust forms on the surface of the roast beef.


Place the meat in a low-walled metal dish and place it in a preheated 180 degree oven. Cooking time depends on the size of the piece. To get a medium-sized roast beef, you need 20 minutes for every 500 grams of meat plus 20 minutes extra. A kilogram piece will be ready in an hour. During baking, pour beef with salted meat juice every 20 minutes. If the sauce is small, add water or stock to the mold.


45 minutes before the end of baking, cover the roast beef with foil and place the mold on the lower level of the oven. Increase the heat to 220 degrees. To make sure the meat is ready, pierce the piece with a culinary needle or knife. If clear juice flows from it, the roast beef is ready. Remove it from the oven and wrap a piece in foil. Let the meat stand for about half an hour. During this time, meat juices and fat are evenly distributed in the piece, the roast beef will acquire a delicate taste and will be easier to cut.


Prepare the sauce for the meat. Fry the flour in beef fat, dilute it with broth and the remaining meat juice formed during frying. Boil the mixture for 3-4 minutes and pour it into the gravy boat. Arrange the pieces of roast beef on serving plates and generously pour them with sauce. Serve with vegetables, toast and a glass of porter or red wine.


A not too fatty piece of pork will make an excellent homemade boiled pork. Wash the meat, dry it with a paper towel. In a piece, make punctures with the tip of a knife, insert the sliced ​​cloves of garlic into them. Rub the meat with salt and pepper, wrap it in foil and place on a baking sheet.


Bake meat in a preheated oven. A half-kilogram piece takes about 35 minutes to prepare. Remove the boiled pork from the oven, refrigerate without removing the foil. Serve cold, cut into thin slices. Serve pickled vegetables, mustard and garlic sauce for meat. Do not forget about a well-chilled rose wine or light beer.

what is the best way to bake meat in 2018

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