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How to cook blueberries dumplings

How to cook blueberries dumplings
How to cook blueberries dumplings

Video: Episode 152: Southern Blueberry Dumplings 🥟🍨 (First Video of 2018) 2024, July

Video: Episode 152: Southern Blueberry Dumplings 🥟🍨 (First Video of 2018) 2024, July

Vareniki is one of the most common dishes of Ukrainian cuisine from boiled dough with filling. The filling for them can be completely different. To prepare it, use cottage cheese, mushrooms, stewed cabbage, boiled ground potatoes, apples and various berries. Each housewife has her own secrets of cooking certain dumplings. Since summer is the time of berries, dumplings with various berry fillings more often appear on tables.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For the test:
    • wheat flour - 570 g;
    • egg - 1 pc;
    • milk or water - 200 g;
    • sugar - 20 g;
    • salt - 10g.
    • For filling:
    • Blueberries
    • sugar.

Instruction manual


First of all, you need to cook the dough for dumplings. Take a deep dish in which you will prepare the dough. Lightly heat the water, dilute salt and sugar in it, then pour it into a prepared container. Water can be diluted in half with milk or use whole milk with a low percentage of fat content. After that, add the egg there and beat well. Then carefully, with continuous stirring, add flour. Now knead the steep dough, cover it with a towel on top and leave for thirty minutes. This is necessary for gluten swelling.


While your dough is swelling, start preparing the filling for the dumplings. Rinse the berries thoroughly in cold water. After that, put them in a colander and leave them for fifteen to twenty minutes. During this time, all unnecessary water will drain and the berries will be ready for further use.


Well, now the most important thing: start sculpting dumplings. Take the dough and roll it in a thin layer. Then cut the circles with a round metal recess or a glass with thin edges. In the middle of each circle of dough, put one or two teaspoons of blueberries and sprinkle them a little sugar. After this, connect the edges of the dumpling and close it well so that they do not disperse during cooking. Give the dumpling a crescent shape. Its size can be absolutely any.


Put a pot of water on the fire and wait until it boils. Release boiled dumplings into boiling salted water and make sure that they do not stick to the bottom. To do this, they need to be stirred occasionally. Cook them until they pop up, and immediately get out. Place them on a flat dish and season with butter so that the dumplings do not stick together. Sprinkle sugar or powdered sugar on top.


Serve hot dumplings on the table with sour cream or fruit syrup.

Useful advice

In order for the dumplings to remain intact during cooking, you can add a little starch to the filling.

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