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How to cook celery slimming soup

How to cook celery slimming soup
How to cook celery slimming soup

Video: Slimming soup -lost 3 pounds very easily in 1 day* Celery Soup 2024, July

Video: Slimming soup -lost 3 pounds very easily in 1 day* Celery Soup 2024, July

Nutritionists advise eating more celery, as this product has a negative calorie content. The body spends more energy on the digestion of celery than is absorbed from it. Celery soup is the basis of many diets.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 400 g celery stalks
    • 6 medium onions
    • small forks of white cabbage
    • 3 fresh tomatoes
    • 2 pods of sweet pepper
    • 2 carrots
    • 1 bunch of greenery
    • Black pepper
    • Salt

Instruction manual


Wash the celery stalks, peel the dry ends and leaves, chop finely. Roots can also be used, but stems are preferred.



Peel the onion, chop in half rings or cubes. Sometimes recipes suggest lightly frying onions in olive oil. This should not be done - the whole point of the diet is lost. With oil, the body receives additional fats and energy, then the negative calorie content of celery simply does not work.



Chop the cabbage into strips.



Wash the tomatoes and pour over boiling water so that the peel can be easily removed. Clean. Cut into 4 pieces. Pink tomatoes are more suitable for this soup.



Remove the sweet peppers from the middle. Pods cut into small cubes. Traditionally used green pepper. But you can take both orange and red. Orange sweet pepper contains substances that improve the metabolism in the retina.



Peel the carrots, cut into cubes or grate.



Put all the vegetables in a pan. Pour in three liters of water. Put on a strong fire. Bring to a boil. Then make the fire weaker and cook for 20 minutes until the vegetables soften.



Put the contents of the pan in a blender and grind to a puree state. Add a pinch of salt (the smaller the better), black pepper to taste. Put on low heat again.


Chop greens finely and add to soup. Cook another 10 minutes and the soup is ready. Diet "Celery Soup" is designed for 7 days. During this week you can eat soup in unlimited quantities, any vegetables (except potatoes) and any fruits (except bananas and grapes). You can drink non-carbonated water in unlimited quantities.


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Celery diet

how to cook celery soup

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