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Cold Soups: Homemade Recipes

Cold Soups: Homemade Recipes
Cold Soups: Homemade Recipes

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Video: 4 No-Cook Chilled Soups (Weight Loss Recipes) 2024, July

Video: 4 No-Cook Chilled Soups (Weight Loss Recipes) 2024, July

Cold soup on hot days is a great option for a light diet meal that nourishes and refreshes at the same time. Greens, pumpkin, tomatoes and other vegetables - the ingredient for the first dish can be many fresh fruits from your own summer cottage or market. Try different cold soups - homemade recipes that have become traditional in Russian cuisine, or more exotic.


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Beetroot soup with kvass

From beetroot, a rather nourishing cold soup of a rich burgundy color is obtained. Peel 3 medium-sized root crops and cook until cooked, then remove from the broth and chop into very thin straws or grate on a coarse grater.

Finely chop on a bunch of feathers of onions, dill and parsley. Mix everything with beets and pour a mixture of bread kvass and broth (1: 1). Add salt and pepper to taste, serve beetroot chilled with sour cream or yogurt.

Sorrel soup

Among homemade recipes for cold soups, a special place is occupied by their sorrel dishes, the sour taste of which is remarkably refreshing in the summer heat. Boil 2-3 peeled and diced potatoes. Stir in the vegetables for 5 minutes. in a tablespoon of butter 200-300 g of washed and chopped sorrel.

Add greens to the broth when the potatoes are cooked, keep the pan on the fire for another 5-7 minutes. and turn it off. Put a steep egg sliced ​​in semicircles into the sorrel soup and serve the dish cold with sour cream, chopped herbs of onion and dill.

Chicken Breast Tomato Soup

Home-made juice from fresh tomatoes will be an excellent basis for the original cold soup. Clean, sliced ​​tomatoes without stalks, pour boiling water, remove the skin and chop in a blender. Add salt and granulated sugar to taste. The cold soup recipe is for 3 liters of undiluted tomato juice.

Boil carrots and potatoes (200-250 g each), a small eggplant, chicken breast and 2-3 dozen quail eggs. Cut all chilled vegetables and meat into slices, finely chop fresh and pickled cucumbers (200 g each). Peel and divide the eggs into longitudinal halves. Mix everything, add chopped greens of onions and parsley (in a bunch) and a very finely chopped onion head. Pour all the ingredients with tomato juice and serve the soup cold.

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