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For lovers of savory snacks: cheese salads

For lovers of savory snacks: cheese salads
For lovers of savory snacks: cheese salads

Video: Gobble | Three Way Monaco Bites 2024, July

Video: Gobble | Three Way Monaco Bites 2024, July

Cheese salad is a tasty and simple dish that can be served as a snack for a holiday or family dinner. Different types of cheese and their combinations are usually used in recipes. Such salads have a special taste and are enjoyed by gourmets.


Pick your recipe

Cheese has excellent taste. It is a source of vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, and minerals, in particular potassium salts. As a rule, before adding to the salad, the cheese is grated or cut into small cubes. Mayonnaise or sour cream are usually used as dressing.

The most popular is Greek salad. For its preparation, cheese is usually used, feta cheese or fetax. However, this is not the only salad that can be prepared with cheese. Many diets often mention cheese and carrot salad. It is very healthy and does not contain many calories. If you add garlic to it, you will get a wonderful salad, which will be especially relevant in winter, when it is necessary to protect the body from colds and flu.

Lovers of savory snacks will love the French salad with Racfort cheese. To prepare it, you will need:

- 125 g of roquefort;

- freshly ground black pepper;

- 150 ml of lemon juice;

- 180 ml of 10% cream;

- 400 g of fresh green lettuce.

Crush the Roquefort cheese and mix it with cream, pepper and lemon juice. Rub the dressing until it becomes homogeneous. Finely chop the green salad, put on a dish and fill with whipped dressing.

Cheese salads are usually beautifully decorated. Try a snack in a cheese basket. It looks very beautiful and original.

It turns out very delicious cheese salad with mushrooms. Take:

- 50 g of champignons;

- 150 g of cheese;

- 100 g canned celery;

- 100 g of red round pepper;

- lemon juice;

- 100 g of mayonnaise;

- mustard;

- 50 g of onions;

- vegetable oil;

- spices and salt.

Chop the peeled onions finely, cut the pepper and celery into cubes, grate the cheese or cut into strips. Stew chopped champignons in oil, cool and add to the mixture. Add lemon juice, mustard, pepper and season the salad with salt and mayonnaise.

Make a delicious salad with Dutch cheese. To do this, prepare:

- 4 eggs;

- 50 g canned or fresh celery;

- 250 g of Dutch cheese;

- 100 g of ham sausage;

- 30 g of onions;

- 50 g pickled cucumbers;

- 100 g of mayonnaise;

- vinegar;

- salt.

Hard-boiled eggs, sausage, cheese, celery and cucumbers cut into cubes. Mix salad with shredded onion, salt and add vinegar and mayonnaise.

If desired, you can replace the ham with cooked sausage or shrimp. The taste of the salad will not be affected.

The salad with cream cheese has an original taste. It can be cooked in haste and served as a snack to guests. Required Products:

- 2 apples;

- 50 g of mayonnaise;

- 1 tomato;

- processed cheese;

- 1/3 of a small onion;

- salt.

Grate the cream cheese on a coarse grater. Chop the onion into strips and fill with cold boiled water. This is necessary to remove the bitterness. Cut the tomato into slices. Peel the apples from the skin, remove the core and cut into slices. Combine all the ingredients and season the salad with salt and mayonnaise.

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