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What Useful Muesli For Breakfast

What Useful Muesli For Breakfast
What Useful Muesli For Breakfast

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Video: Healthy Breakfast Muesli | #10HealthyMeals | Anna Jones 2024, July

Video: Healthy Breakfast Muesli | #10HealthyMeals | Anna Jones 2024, July

Muesli is a quick and convenient breakfast that is very popular among children and adults. This food is not only good for the body, but also helps to improve mood.


Pick your recipe


For the first time on the Russian cookie market a product has appeared that combines the benefits of muesli and the excellent taste of cookies! The new Lyubyatovo muesli cookies contain baked oatmeal, slices of cranberries, raisins or chocolate.

“Lyubyatovo” muesli cookies are made with love and care using a unique technology that allows you to combine the use of muesli and the excellent taste of cookies. Muesli cookies are a special combination of baked whole oatmeal, popped rice, and mouth-watering pieces of berries or chocolate.

The composition of the product includes 59% of oatmeal, which makes cookies crispy, and pieces of berries and chocolate are unusually tasty. The novelty is presented in two flavors - "With cranberries and raisins" and "With chocolate." In one box of muesli cookies - 4 individual packages of 2 cookies, so it is ideal for a family tea party or for a snack outside the house!

“When developing the product, we were guided by the preferences of Russian consumers and current trends in the market - the desire to consume healthy and natural products, the use of raw materials from local suppliers, increasing consumption outside the home. There are not enough offers on the cookie market that would meet these trends, and ours the challenge we see is the formation of a new relevant segment in cookies due to our line of innovative products "- comments Sofya Zhurbenko, marketing director of Lyubyatovo.

Naturally, tasty, healthy: all the best that cereals and berries have is for a healthy snack.

Treat yourself to the delicious use of muesli cookies from Lyubyatovo!

* Cereal cookies contain dietary fiber in an amount of 4 g per 100 g of product, which contribute to better digestion

About "Lyubyatovo"

Lyubyatovo is one of the largest brands in the Russian market of cookies, crackers and breakfast cereals. The Lyubyatovo brand has existed since 2008 and annually brings to the market new products in its categories. All Lyubyatovo products are made from selected Russian grain and are intended for the whole family. Portfolio "Lyubyatovo" includes more than 100 names of products that are presented in all regions of Russia, CIS countries and Mongolia. Since 2015, the Lyubyatovo brand has been actively involved and initiates its own charity programs in cooperation with the Rus Food Fund. To date, more than 24, 000, 000 servings of Lyubyatovo products have been delivered under such programs.

More information at www.lubyatovo.ru

Beneficial features

The main component of muesli is barley, rye, as well as oat and wheat flakes. All of these cereals contain many complex carbohydrates. Our body digests them for a long time and very thoughtfully. Thanks to slow absorption, blood sugar levels are markedly reduced and stabilized. This property is useful for us especially when everyday bustle dictates its rules to us and leaves no time for high-quality meals. Muesli made with fruits allows you to have a satisfying breakfast in the morning and save energy for a long time. In addition, slowly digestible food is a good protection against gluttony. Muesli is of particular benefit to our intestines. All the same barley and other cereals contain huge amounts of fiber. When faced with a liquid, it swells, absorbs toxins and, together with them, is excreted from the body. That is why the combination of granola with frequent receptions of water is a sure remedy against constipation. Fiber also helps to lower cholesterol in the blood and, therefore, prevents the absorption of fats. If you prepare your own muesli for breakfast, you are guaranteed to ensure a good mood throughout the day. Dried fruits and honey catalyze the production of serotin (the hormone of joy). In addition, dried fruits, nuts and honey contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Muesli is especially rich in vitamins E and B, calcium, magnesium and iron.

The undoubted benefit of muesli is that they are prepared in almost a second. It is enough to fill them with water, milk, yogurt or even juice. You can either immediately start a meal, or wait a bit: then the muesli will become softer and tastier.

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