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5 culinary lifehacks with soda

5 culinary lifehacks with soda
5 culinary lifehacks with soda

Table of contents:

Video: 22 TRICKS WITH BAKING SODA 2024, July

Video: 22 TRICKS WITH BAKING SODA 2024, July

Soda is a unique ingredient that can simplify a person’s life through tricks.


Pick your recipe

Burnt pot

Every thing with long use will deteriorate. If you cook in your favorite pan, the latter will surely become burnt. Soda will help here. After mixing water and soda (about 250 grams of soda per 3 liters of water) and boil the mixture for half an hour, and then apply it to the dishes, you can rehabilitate it. If the rehabilitation did not succeed the first time, you should boil the mixture again and repeat the process again. Not the first time, but everything will work out for sure.



Life hack, which often should not be used because of pipes that also deteriorate due to reactions. With a blockage and an unpleasant odor that comes from the sink, you need to mix water with soda. Having poured everything into the sink, which is clogged, it is also worth adding a little vinegar, which will complete the job. Reactions will destroy the blockage and the smell will disappear. Nevertheless, this is harmful for pipes, because they are also corroded by reactions, which is why it is often not recommended to use this life hack.



One day, silver will no longer be as brilliant as before. Soda can clean the silver chain, ring, earrings and everything silver. Special fluids in which you can rinse the metal and restore the last shine are expensive. Soda is a budget solution. Taking 2 tablespoons of the powder and adding it to 500 milliliters of water, boiling it all, you need to lower the metal into the water. After 3-4 minutes, the silver will sparkle like new.



Soda can remove many stubborn stains from clothing. With the help of this powder and citric acid, blood, wine, stains from carbonated drinks and so on can be removed from clothes. Also, thanks to soda, you can remove tea plaque from the mug by applying a little white powder to the sponge instead of the dishwasher and wiping the dishes with a sponge as a standard.


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