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Golden milk for health and beauty

Golden milk for health and beauty
Golden milk for health and beauty

Video: 🍹 8 INCREDIBLE Benefits of Drinking TURMERIC MILK & Turmeric Golden Milk RECIPE 2024, July

Video: 🍹 8 INCREDIBLE Benefits of Drinking TURMERIC MILK & Turmeric Golden Milk RECIPE 2024, July

Eastern medicine has given us many useful and aromatic spices, among them turmeric, a powder of one of the varieties of ginger.

The drink that we prepare from turmeric perfectly cleanses blood vessels, eliminates salt deposits in the joints, and improves complexion. It is useful to drink with a cold, because Turmeric is a fairly powerful natural antibiotic. In this spice there are a lot of vitamins, iron, phosphorus. It is used for sluggish digestion and stagnation of bile, since it has a strong choleretic effect.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • On a basic 40-day course:

  • Turmeric Sachet 50 g

  • Water 100 g
  • For daily use:

  • Milk 1 cup

  • Almond oil 0.5-1 tsp

  • Honey 1 tsp

Instruction manual


Stir a bag of turmeric in water, heat over low heat to a boil and cook with stirring for 5-7 minutes until a thick brown gruel is obtained. Pour it into a jar and put it in the refrigerator. This mixture is enough for us for 40 days (the course is carried out in late autumn or spring 1 time per year).


Before going to bed, warm a glass of milk to a hot state, stir in it a teaspoon of pasta and a little almond oil. We got a beautiful yellow drink, fragrant and healthy - Golden Milk.


We stir a teaspoon of honey in milk (if it is not higher than 40 ° C), if it is hot (up to 60 ° C), then we eat honey “in the bite” in order to maintain useful properties.

Sleep will become calm and serene.

After 3 days, you will feel the beneficial effect of the spice: if your joints hurt, then the pain will decrease or disappear, your mood will improve, your intestines will work “like clockwork”, and pain and bloating in your stomach will disappear after eating.


Buy turmeric in supermarkets, in bags from well-known brands.

It is undesirable to buy spices in the markets, they are practically odorless and, most likely, expired.

Attention: cholelithiasis is considered a contraindication for admission!

Useful advice

Instead of almond butter, you can add ghee or grape seed oil to the milk.

Drink this drink during colds and you will quickly get on your feet.

When a cold occurs, it is better to replace milk with hot water.

"Golden milk" can and should be drunk also by children (from 2 years old). For the elderly - also very welcome!

Golden milk

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