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Healthy eating: what to pamper yourself with in August

Healthy eating: what to pamper yourself with in August
Healthy eating: what to pamper yourself with in August

Table of contents:

Video: 🍰 you don't always need an excuse to treat yourself, just a strong sweet tooth 2024, July

Video: 🍰 you don't always need an excuse to treat yourself, just a strong sweet tooth 2024, July

Pick your recipe


The undoubted leader of August is a juicy and tasty watermelon. It is generally accepted that watermelon is just water and sugar. But this is not at all like that, in a green berry there are a lot of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, as well as a very small number of calories - about 30 calories per 100 grams.


Watermelon is able to normalize blood pressure, prevent obesity, cancer, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, blood vessels, the digestive system. Juicy berry consists of 90% water, so on hot summer days it is an excellent remedy for dehydration.

Watermelon is also useful for beautiful smooth skin, healthy shiny hair, increased energy and weight loss. It promotes hair growth, makes the skin moisturized, and its color is healthy.


Melons contain very few calories, almost no fats, but sweet fruits have a lot of essential vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin C is necessary for the growth and maintenance of all body tissues, wound healing, restoration of bones and teeth;

  • Vitamin A is needed for healthy teeth, skin, bones, mucous membranes. It helps the vision system, contributing to the health of the retina. A lack of this vitamin can lead to malfunctions of the immune system;

  • potassium is important for maintaining heart health. Consuming enough potassium can help lower blood pressure and reduce the negative effects of foods high in sodium.


This berry is not so common, but is one of the most beneficial for health. Blueberries contain a lot of antioxidants that help improve health and improve appearance. Frozen berries completely retain all the beneficial properties, which means that you can enjoy blueberries all year round.


Like other cruciferous vegetables, cauliflower can prevent cancer, so doctors recommend eating it several times a week. There are many options for cooking cauliflower: fried in batter, steamed, fried, sautéed, soups, stews.


Although cucumbers are 95% water, they contain a lot of fiber and nutrients. Fresh cucumbers are able to remove excess water, toxins and harmful substances from the body, perfectly satisfy hunger and thirst, help the pancreas, relieve swelling, and reduce pressure.


This purple vegetable contains all the necessary trace elements. Eggplants are perfect for vegetarians and those who lose weight - they add a “fleshy” structure to dishes, contain few calories, remove toxins and excess fluid. They can be fried, baked with any toppings, added to meat, vegetable dishes. And what a tasty and healthy eggplant caviar! The main thing is not to miss the season of this healthy vegetable.


Garlic is not only a wonderful non-nutritive way to add flavor and taste to the dishes. This amazing vegetable is able to prevent cancer, strengthen immunity, and fight many diseases.


These juicy and delicious fruits contain many substances that are beneficial to health and beauty. Nectarine helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and toxins, and is useful for the digestive, cardiovascular system. It helps with constipation, anemia, excess weight and weak immunity. Having plenty of nectarines in the season, you can make beautiful hair, skin, nails.

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