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Vanilla Flavored Apple Charlotte

Vanilla Flavored Apple Charlotte
Vanilla Flavored Apple Charlotte

Video: Professional Baker Teaches You How To Make APPLE CHARLOTTE! 2024, July

Video: Professional Baker Teaches You How To Make APPLE CHARLOTTE! 2024, July

Can't you find the right Charlotte recipe? The cake is always flat and not too appetizing. Do not bake apples inside, and dough around them remains raw? Delicate, lush biscuit, juicy apple slices and the entrancing smell of vanilla, even a child can make such a simple dessert!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - apples - 4 pcs.;

  • - wheat flour - 200 g;

  • - egg - 4 pcs.;

  • - sugar - 150 g;

  • - butter - 80 g;

  • - honey - 20 g.;

  • - vanilla pod - 1 pc.
  • Thick bottom pan, mixer, non-stick pan, oven.

Instruction manual


Cooking the filling. We peel the apples from the peel and cut them into even cubes of medium size. Then pour the honey into a pan with a thick bottom and heat it. Gently cut along the vanilla pod and take out all the grains from it. Then add these grains to honey, heated in a pan. After the honey is heated to a liquid state, put the apples in a pan and fry them in honey until caramel color.



Cooking a biscuit. Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar and use a mixer to beat the mixture until a firm foam. Then gradually add melted butter, flour and baking powder to the whipped mixture.



We spread caramelized apples in a non-stick form and fill them with dough on top. We put the cake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes.

In order for the Charlotte aroma to be saturated, the taste to be bright, and the vanilla smell to be entrancing, you should definitely cool the cake to room temperature and only then serve it to the table.


Useful advice

- So that the dough is not too raw, you should choose hard, sweet, but not too juicy apples.

- For caramelization of apples, it is better to use honey, not sugar.

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