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Rosehip jam: recipes with photos for easy cooking

Rosehip jam: recipes with photos for easy cooking
Rosehip jam: recipes with photos for easy cooking

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Video: Homemade Rosehip Jam from wild Rose Hips 2024, July

Video: Homemade Rosehip Jam from wild Rose Hips 2024, July

For the preparation of rosehip jam, exclusively dense ripe fruits of bright orange color are suitable. Gathering rose hips is recommended in September. Before making jam, the fruits must be sorted, removing rotten and spoiled by insects, and also peeled.


Pick your recipe

The mature rosehip berries remaining after sorting are cut in half and the villi and seeds are removed from their middle using a small spoon. At the final stage of preparation, the berries are thoroughly washed with water. In most cases, after sorting and cleaning of 2 kg of collected rose hips, no more than 1 kg remains.

Classic recipe

Most often, rosehip jam is prepared, of course, according to the simplest recipe using only berries and sugar. The proportions of the ingredients while observing the following:

  • peeled rosehip berries - 1 kg;

  • sugar - 1 kg;

  • water - 1 l.

How to cook

Pour 1 liter of water into the pan and bring it to a boil. Put washed rosehip berries in water and blanch them for 5 minutes. Throw the fruits onto a sieve, and from the pan, dial a full glass of broth.

Pour the collected broth into the container selected for cooking the jam and pour all the prepared sugar there. Mix everything well, place the container on a stove and bring the mixture to a boil. Once all the sugar has dissolved, put blanched rosehips in a bowl.

Bring the mass to a boil again and cook the jam for about 7 minutes. Make the fire under the jam container weak. The syrup should not boil too much, otherwise the rosehip berries will wrinkle and harden.


Remove the container from the stove and hold the jam on the table for infusion for 7 hours. After this, repeat the procedure again - hold the jam on the stove after boiling for 7 minutes. and leave the container on the table for 7 hours.

For the third time, cook the rosehip jam until the fruits are soft. Pour the jam into well-washed glass jars and cover with nylon covers. Put the jars in a cool place for storage.

Useful advice

When preparing jam from rose hips, you can do without preliminary blanching. In this case, the fruit is sprinkled with sugar and placed in a refrigerator with them overnight. The next day, 250 ml of water is poured into the container and the berries are placed in it along with the juice released from them. Next, jam is cooked, as in the first case, in three sets.

This method should be used for cooking rosehip jam from a very large number of fruits. Preliminary blanching in this case can turn into too long and tedious procedure.

Rosehip jam with apples

By adding apples, you can slightly diversify the tart summer taste of rosehip jam and make it even more saturated and harmonious.


  • rosehip - 700 g;

  • lemons - 2 pcs;

  • sugar and apples - 2 kg each;

  • ginger root - 50 g.

Cooking technology

Cut the apples in half and select the seed kernels from them. Cut apples into thin slices. Cut the lemon into circles and remove the seeds from each. Peel the ginger root and grate finely.

Put all the ingredients prepared in this way, as well as the washed, peeled rosehip berries in a saucepan and cover everything with sugar. Wait 2-2.5 hours for the sugar to dissolve, then transfer the pan to the stove.

Turn on a not too strong fire and wait for the syrup to boil. Cook the jam for 5 minutes, stirring frequently, and then remove the pan from the stove. Let the apple mass for 10-12 hours.

Place the pan on the stove again and cook the mass after boiling for 5 minutes, stirring gently. Put out the fire, transfer the pan to the table and leave the jam for 12 hours.

For the third time, cook the mass for about 10-15 minutes until its consistency is thick enough. Remove the pan from the stove and pour the finished jam with apples in jars.


Cranberry Rosehip Jam Recipe

Such jam can be a real salvation from vitamin deficiency in winter and spring. Cranberries, like rose hips, contain a huge amount of substances useful to the human body.


  • rosehip berries - 700 g;

  • cranberries - 400 g;

  • sugar - 1300 g;

  • water - 600 ml.

Cooking method

Bring the water to a boil in a medium-sized pan, put the washed cranberries and rose hips in it. Cook for 3-5 minutes, and then remove the berries from the pan and drop them in a colander.

Pour sugar into the broth, reduce heat to a minimum and boil the syrup for a while. Sugar must ultimately dissolve completely. Put the rosehip and cranberries back into the syrup and cook the jam until the mass of berries sinks to the bottom in the pan.

Strain jam from syrup. Lay out the remaining berries in cans previously sterilized over steam. Pour the berries with syrup, wait for the jam to cool and close the jars under the sunset.

How to make dried fruit jam

Jam made from dried rosehip berries also contains many useful substances. However, due to the lack of juice in the fruits, it turns out, unfortunately, almost tasteless. To remedy the situation, it is worth preparing such a jam with the addition of juice, for example, orange.


  • dried rose hips - 500 g;

  • oranges - 4-5 pieces;

  • sugar - 2 tbsp.

Cooking technology

Wash and chop the oranges in a blender without removing the peels. In the end, you should get two glasses of citrus mass. Dry rosehip clear of litter and rinse in a cup of water.

Load both ingredients into the multicooker bowl and pour sugar in the same place. Close the appliance with a lid and turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 40 minutes. Open the slow cooker and mash the softened berries that have increased in volume.

Close the lid again and cook the berry mass in the "Stew" mode for about an hour or a little less. Pour the jam into the jars under the nylon covers.

A variant of rosehip jam with sea buckthorn

This rosehip jam also turns out to be very tasty and at the same time contains a huge amount of vitamins, beneficial amino acids and trace elements.


  • large dogrose without seeds - 1 kg;

  • sea ​​buckthorn and sugar - 0.5 kg each;

  • water - 0.5 l.

Cooking algorithm

Rinse sea buckthorn in a bowl and dry. Do the same with rose hips. Lay the berries in different containers.

Cook sugar syrup in a low, wide stainless steel pan. To do this, boil water, put sugar in a pan and reduce heat to a minimum. Wait until the sugar grains have completely dissolved.

Add a little heat and bring the syrup to a boil, stirring occasionally. After the solution begins to bubble, cook the syrup for another 6-7 minutes.

Lay the berries of sea buckthorn and wild rose in thick layers on clean jars and pour boiling syrup. Roll up the cans with metal covers and wrap them in a blanket. After the mass in the banks has cooled, transfer the jam to storage in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Variant of Jam with Lemon

This recipe is sure to appeal to those who love sour jam. To prepare in this case, the following ingredients are needed:

  • rosehip - 800 g;

  • sugar - 700 g;

  • lemons - 2 pcs;

  • water - 250 ml.

Lemons for the preparation of such rosehip jam should be taken large.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the rose hips, boil the water in a saucepan. Put the wild rose in water and cook it for 8 minutes. During this time, peel the lemons without affecting the white layer of the zest.

Remove the white layer from the lemons. If left, the jam will subsequently be bitter. Cut the peel of the lemon into thin strips and the flesh into small cubes.

Put both ingredients in a pot with rose hips and set fire to the stove. Grind the mass in a pan until smooth with a blender and sprinkle it with sugar. Turn on the fire again and warm the jam for a quarter of an hour, stirring constantly. Remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.


After a quarter of an hour, remove the jam pan from the stove and set it to cool on the table. Put the pan back on the stove and bring the mass to a boil. Pour simmered jam into jars, roll up and wrap in a blanket. After cooling, put the jars in the refrigerator.

Sea rose jam

Such a rosehip grows in the Baltic States and the Far East. It differs from the usual in large sizes. It’s easier to clean sea rose, and jam from it turns out to be no less useful and tasty.


  • sea ​​rose - 800 g;

  • water - 200 ml;

  • sugar - 800 g.

Technology step by step

In the container chosen for making jam, put the berries, sprinkle them with sugar and pour water. Stir the fruits well and place the bowl on the stove over a small fire. Heat the mass for 3-5 minutes. until the liquid in the container is clear and the sugar is completely dissolved.

Without turning off the fire, remove the berries from the container with a slotted spoon. Keep the sweet base on low heat until it thickens. Pour the rosehip back into the container, turn off the heat and leave the jam for 10 hours.

Squeeze the sweet mass from the wall jam, bring it to a boil and pour in the fruit again. Infuse the jam for another 6 hours. Warm the mass again without removing the berries for 15 minutes. Pour jam over steamed jars into the roll.

Original jam from rose hips

Such jam turns out no less fragrant, tasty and healing, than prepared from berries. In addition, jam from rosehip petals also has a very pleasant lilac color.

What is needed:

  • rosehip petals - 200 g;

  • sugar - 2 tbsp;

  • water - 500 ml;

  • citric acid - ¼ h / l.

How to cook

Put the rosehip petals in a small saucepan and cover with 1/2 of the cooked sugar. Grate the ingredients and leave the mass to infuse for 4-5 hours.

As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous and decreases in volume, pour the remaining sugar into the pan, add citric acid and pour water. Mix everything well and place the pan on the stove over low heat.

Boil the mass for about half an hour, stirring it periodically. Transfer the finished jam from the rosehip petals into a washed jar and cover with a lid.


Small rosehip jam with seeds

Cleaning small rose hips can turn into a real torment. Such berries are best boiled in syrup directly with the seeds. With the right approach to business, this jam will also turn out to be quite tasty and aromatic.


  • rose hips with seeds - 800 g;

  • sugar - 550 g;

  • water - 200 ml.

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