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In what dishes is it best to cook pilaf

In what dishes is it best to cook pilaf
In what dishes is it best to cook pilaf

Table of contents:

Video: Rice pilaf: A simple and tasty side dish 2024, June

Video: Rice pilaf: A simple and tasty side dish 2024, June

The secret to cooking this pilaf includes five ingredients. For a successful pilaf it is important: good meat, regular (crumbly) rice, a sufficient amount of carrots and onions, spices and dishes in which pilaf is cooked.


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The perfect cauldron

In a regular pot or pan, real pilaf will never work for two reasons. Firstly, the dishes should be such that the pilaf does not burn. Secondly, it must store heat so that the pilaf “reaches” after cooking. An ideal container for cooking pilaf is considered a cauldron. It is made of cast iron, has a hemispherical shape, narrowed to the bottom with a rounded bottom. The walls of the cauldron are not less than a centimeter thick.

Features of cooking technology

Features of dishes for pilaf are associated with the features of the technology of cooking. Pilaf is traditionally cooked over an open fire (therefore, the bottom of the cauldron is round and round). First, it is washed, dried and cut into rectangular or square pieces 3-4 cm in size. It should be lamb fillet (in versions - beef, pork or chicken) without bones, veins and fat. The meat is laid on the bottom of the cauldron, greased with fat tail (internal) fat and quickly fried over high heat. Then, coarsely chopped onions and carrots are added to the meat with straws, cubes or on a coarse grater, still fat. Everything is fried again until the carrots give color. Spices and salt are added to meat with vegetables. Rice of loose varieties washed up to clear water falls asleep so that the finished rice does not stick together. Water is poured into the cauldron on the phalanx of the finger covering the layer of rice. The cauldron is closed by a lid and cooked over low heat until all the water boils. Then it is set aside for half an hour so that the pilaf “reaches”.

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