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What foods contain magnesium

What foods contain magnesium
What foods contain magnesium

Video: 24 High Magnesium Foods (700 Calorie Meals) DiTuro Productions 2024, July

Video: 24 High Magnesium Foods (700 Calorie Meals) DiTuro Productions 2024, July

The normal intake of magnesium in the human body ensures the proper formation of bones, the functioning of the nervous system, carbohydrate and energy metabolism. As a rule, this macrocell can be obtained with food.


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Magnesium controls almost all the chemical reactions of the body. It enhances intestinal motility, activates the activity of enzymes that provide metabolic processes, and affects the functioning of the heart and the condition of the skeletal system. Magnesium in combination with vitamin B6 prevents the formation of kidney stones, and in the dosage form helps to dissolve them. Eating foods rich in magnesium, vitamins K and P helps cure hemorrhoids.

A lack of magnesium causes the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, with a lack of this element, insomnia often occurs, increased fatigue, a feeling of irritation and fear. At the same time, an excess of magnesium affects the body's absorption of calcium.

The adult's need for magnesium is about 400 mg per day and is fully covered with a normal balanced diet. About half of the norm is provided by the consumption of bread and cereals (cereals, casseroles, meatballs, etc.).

The highest magnesium content is observed in wheat bran - 610 mg per 100 g of product (mg%), pumpkin seeds - 535 mg%, cocoa beans - 442 mg%, sunflower seeds - 420 mg%, lentils - 380 mg%, sesame seeds - 356 mg%, hazelnuts - 310 mg%, cashews - 292 mg%. Good sources of the element are soy beans and soy flour, respectively 240 and 286 mg%, fried almonds - 280 mg%, pine nuts - 250 mg%, sprouted wheat - 239 mg%, buckwheat - 231 mg%. In general, we can say that the best suppliers of magnesium are seeds, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.

The magnesium content in beans is slightly lower - 160 mg%, oatmeal - 145 mg%, walnuts - 134 mg% and chocolate - 131 mg%. Dried dates - 84 mg%, rosehip - 120 mg%, canned green peas - 91 mg%, bread - 80 mg%, and the content in vegetables and greens ranges from 20 to 40 mg% give a small amount of the macroelement to the body.

Of the meat products, sources of magnesium include ham - 35 mg%, liver - 32 mg%, rabbit meat - 25 mg%, veal - 24 mg% and pork - 20 mg%. In other products of animal origin, such as milk, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, this element is very small. In addition, some of the magnesium used to come with tap water, but today's methods of purifying and softening water have significantly reduced the content of magnesium salts in it.

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