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What is the harm of french fries

What is the harm of french fries
What is the harm of french fries

Video: What You're Really Eating When You Eat McDonald's French Fries 2024, July

Video: What You're Really Eating When You Eat McDonald's French Fries 2024, July

Is french fries so bad? And what if the harmful potato has already become a favorite? In fact, the harm of fried potatoes is relative. Any, even the most healthy food, when consumed in large quantities, harms the body. So why then do they all scold the potatoes without understanding the question? Let's figure it out in order.


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Potato harm

The main component of potatoes is starch. Nutritionists scold potatoes because of its poverty on vitamins and nutrients, while there are a lot of carbohydrates in it.

What we have? Energy enters the body, metabolic processes occur, but the necessary nutrition to cleanse the body does not enter. The wear of the body under the influence of such nutrition is quite intense.

What is harmful fried potatoes

If potatoes are fried at home, oil is used once. In restaurants or deep-fried bistros, oil is heated many times and combustion products inevitably fall into each serving.

Fried potatoes load the liver, this body processes all the junk food. We do not notice any load while it is working and we are healthy. But why not take strength from the body and spend it so wastefully.

What fried potato is less harmful

Of course, fried potatoes at home will be less harmful.

If you really want potatoes outside the house, then you can order it in a restaurant where it is cooked in a pan, this eliminates the frying in harmful, burnt oil.

If you still eat french fries, then buy it only in serious restaurants and never buy it in a small bistro. In restaurants, an oil change journal is kept, according to which the deep fat is updated, this will guarantee that the oil will not be very old.

They often did not hear about this magazine in small bistros, draw your own conclusions.

Catering sauces

The sauces that are offered to potatoes contain a large number of preservatives, dyes and sugar. The best choice would be regular ketchup, although it contains vinegar and sugar.

How to reduce the harm of fried potatoes

First of all, for the removal and processing of such a product, the main fuel of the human body is necessary, it is water. Drink more water, preferably not sweet and not carbonated.

To improve digestion, it is best to eat hard fiber salads. These are salads from leaves, stems and roots in raw form. For example: cabbage salad, beetroot, carrot, radish, salad leaves, etc.

Eating a salad does not have to be part of a meal with potatoes. If you eat a salad a day or one day after eating potatoes, its beneficial effect will still be preserved.

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