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Traditional american cuisine

Traditional american cuisine
Traditional american cuisine

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Video: Top 10 Traditional American Foods 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Traditional American Foods 2024, July

If you are invited to an American lunch, do not expect to see hamburgers and hot dogs on the table. The mistress of the house will certainly want to boast of traditional dishes.


Pick your recipe

American cuisine is a fair of tastes where every eater will find a dish to their liking. There are beans, corn, potatoes, tomatoes - the heritage of the Indians. Southerners are treated to a delicious barbecue and buckwheat pancakes. Residents of the southwestern part of the country prefer Mexican fajitas and tacos, and in the Midwest they are delighted with Italian ravioli and Chicago pizza.

As you already understood, Americans living in different states have different taste preferences. But it is unlikely that anyone will refuse the fragrant and satisfying jambalaya, which is prepared in Louisiana. This dish successfully combines rice, ham and spicy sausages. It is believed that the name of the dish comes from the French word jambon (ham). In some restaurants, cooks replace ham with fish or seafood.

New england

American New England, a region in the north-east of the country, delights gourmets with fish and seafood. Previously, aristocrats from the Old World specially came here to enjoy sharp oysters. And now everyone is enthusiastic about the local lobsters, which, by the way, are much cheaper than the Mediterranean ones. It is noteworthy that local cod is more expensive than salmon. It is so fresh and tasty that it does not require special cooking: it’s enough to steam the fish slightly.

The famous New England dish is chowder. Previously, this thick stew was cooked on ships. The soup included shells (a delicacy for other regions) or fish, bacon, vegetables, cream, butter and spices. The finished chowder was sprinkled with crumbled crackers - there were always plenty of them in dry soldering of sailors. Now, the chowder is an integral part of the cuisine of all Americans. Each state in the country has its own recipe for this dish: somewhere, corn or chili pepper is added to the soup, someone uses tomatoes or broth instead of cream, and some cooks prefer to replace shells with a lot of fish.


It’s hard to resist the local desserts - brownie chocolate cakes, cheesecakes and muffins. By the way, the latter can be considered correct only if they fit in the palm of your hand. And in the country they like marshmallows - the same marshmallow that young scouts fry at the stake in American films. From heating, the product swells and becomes viscous. Sliced ​​marshmallows are added to salads, desserts and hot chocolate. And if you put the toasted marshmallows between two crackers, smeared with chocolate, you get a smores sandwich.

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