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How many calories in a cucumber

How many calories in a cucumber
How many calories in a cucumber

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Video: Healthwise: Diet Calories, How Many Calories in Cucumber? Calories Intake and Healthy Weight Loss 2024, July

Video: Healthwise: Diet Calories, How Many Calories in Cucumber? Calories Intake and Healthy Weight Loss 2024, July

Cucumber is a fairly popular vegetable not only in our country, but also in many others. It is used fresh, salted and pickled, and is also used as a whitening and moisturizing cosmetic product. Due to the high content of nutrients and low calorie content, it can and is useful to use in the fight against excess weight.


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Calorie content and benefits of fresh cucumbers

The energy value of fresh cucumber is extremely small - only 15 kcal per 100 g. It is not surprising, because it consists of 99% water, and one percent from fibers. That is why this vegetable is often present on the menu of those who seek to maintain their slim figure. You can safely eat even a kilogram of cucumbers a day - this will not affect the figure, because such a quantity will contain only 150 calories. Rare foods boast such a low calorie content.

Due to the large amount of water, fresh cucumbers help to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body.

At the same time, it contains many useful microelements, for example, zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. And the cucumber is rich in B vitamins, provitamin A, ascorbic acid and vitamin PP. Due to this composition, this product is considered an effective diuretic and choleretic agent, strengthens blood vessels and improves the thyroid gland. And the presence of fiber makes the cucumber very useful for digestion.

Calorie content and useful properties of pickles

Pickles are even less nutritious than fresh ones. 100 g of product contains only 13 calories. And although such a product is not very preferable for weight loss, as it increases appetite and contains a lot of salt, it is good for health.

Pickles contain lactic acid bacteria that destroy germs in the intestines and normalize microflora there. And lactic acid improves blood circulation in the body.

Such a product is also rich in fiber, well-absorbed iodine compounds and many minerals, including iron. All vitamins are stored in pickles. And they also contain tartonic acid, which improves metabolic processes.

Pickled cucumbers should be discarded for those who suffer from inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, renal failure, and cardiovascular diseases.

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