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Celery, or celery: a medicinal plant directly from the garden

Celery, or celery: a medicinal plant directly from the garden
Celery, or celery: a medicinal plant directly from the garden

Video: How to Grow Celery the Easy Way From Organic Store Bought Celery (Inside or Outside) 2024, July

Video: How to Grow Celery the Easy Way From Organic Store Bought Celery (Inside or Outside) 2024, July

Many people use celery only as a seasoning or as a decoration for dishes. But over the centuries it has been famous not only for its specific taste, but also for its healing power, and everything from tops to roots.


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Celery, or celery, is a valuable food product and an excellent therapeutic tool. To find a worthy alternative to this plant is very difficult. Sometimes its healing properties are compared with ginseng.

Celery contains vitamins A, C, PP, K, E, B vitamins, as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese and sodium. Celery also contains acids and essential oils that are important for the human body.

Celery has a huge impact on the entire digestive system of a person, promotes the production of gastric juice and prevents putrefactive processes and reduces pain. Rich in fiber, it also helps with constipation. In addition, celery has a negative calorie content, since the body spends more energy on the digestion of this plant than it receives as a result. Therefore, celery is an indispensable tool for dietary nutrition. Regular intake of it with food, as well as on fasting days, allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

Favorably affects celery and the nervous system. There is the so-called "stress hormone" in human blood. The substances that make up celery can significantly reduce the content of this hormone, soothe. Therefore, instead of using a sedative, you need to eat a slice of celery or drink juice made from it.

The useful properties of celery (celery) are very extensive, it will help with a variety of diseases and various pathologies, especially for vascular and heart pathologies. Celery is used to prevent atherosclerosis, as it lowers blood cholesterol. It also lowers blood pressure and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

Celery is very good for memory. It protects against a terrible disease - Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia).

Celery is especially indispensable for men. Those who suffer from chronic prostatitis are advised to consume celery. It has an active effect on the prostate gland, improves its blood supply. But the beneficial effect of celery on the male body does not end there. He is a powerful aphrodisiac and has a significant effect on potency.

Celery for a person with a weakened immune system will be a first-class help. Eating it for food will strengthen the immune system, and it will be able to withstand all kinds of infections and viruses. Thanks to celery, the body can even fight malignant tumors and prevent their formation.

Eating celery leaves for food has an effect on metabolism and regulates blood sugar, which is especially important for people with diabetes.

Due to the diuretic properties, celery is used in the treatment of the genitourinary system and inflammation of the joints. Celery is useful for vision, as well as for hair and skin. In addition to all these properties, celery is able to exert a restorative effect on all organs and bring a certain anti-aging effect.

For medicinal purposes, as well as for food, all parts of the plant are used - leaves, stems, root. Talking about which one is more useful is definitely impossible. Each part has its own properties, and all of them perfectly complement each other. In general, celery is a non-waste vegetable.

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