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The benefits of broccoli for weight loss

The benefits of broccoli for weight loss
The benefits of broccoli for weight loss

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Video: Know the health Benefits of Broccoli | Truweight 2024, July

Video: Know the health Benefits of Broccoli | Truweight 2024, July

In Mediterranean and South Asian countries, this vegetable is consumed raw, boiled, baked, fried in oil and batter. Overweight people are advised by nutritionists to include broccoli in their daily diets.


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Broccoli can be found in almost every store at an affordable price. It may seem surprising, but to get a feeling of fullness, a small portion is enough - 10 inflorescences are quite enough. To add flavor and enhance the taste, cabbage is combined with other nutritious products: parmesan cheese, olives, bacon, low-fat cottage cheese. Ready meals will become a source of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants. Even slightly boiled cabbage in salted water becomes a useful dietary dish - after all, the calorie content of boiled broccoli per 100 grams of product is about 27 kcal. Calorie stewed broccoli is slightly higher - 39 kcal.

Boiled broccoli is considered useful for weight loss. In addition to the beneficial substances in the composition and low calorie content, broccoli is a source of coarse dietary fiber that reduces appetite, gives a feeling of fullness and promotes the natural cleansing of the intestines. When digesting broccoli, the body spends more energy than it receives from this product. Nutritionists call this negative calorie content.

Broccoli is included in the diet of many show business stars. This is due to the abundance of beneficial substances and amino acids responsible for youth and beauty of the skin, such as leucine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, lysine.

Broccoli regulates the processes of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Group B vitamins in combination with chlorophyll help to better absorb carbohydrates, accelerating metabolism, and, as a result, increasing calorie consumption. Constipation and intoxication of the body are also solved with the active use of broccoli.

The vegetable is known for its excellent taste. A variety of recipes with broccoli will satisfy even the most sophisticated tastes without compromising on human health or weight.

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