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Before you cook a goose, you must select it. In order for the dish to be soft and juicy, you need to be able to identify the old goose lying in front of you or young. The main distinguishing feature by which you can determine the age of the bird is its paws.

Before you cook a goose, you must select it. In order for the dish to be soft and juicy, you need to be able to identify the old goose lying in front of you or young. The main distinguishing feature by which you can determine the age of the bird is its paws.
Before you cook a goose, you must select it. In order for the dish to be soft and juicy, you need to be able to identify the old goose lying in front of you or young. The main distinguishing feature by which you can determine the age of the bird is its paws.

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Video: Atomic Habits | James Clear ( Full Audiobook | Bookclub E01) 2024, July

Video: Atomic Habits | James Clear ( Full Audiobook | Bookclub E01) 2024, July

Before you cook a goose, you must select it. In order for the dish to be soft and juicy, you need to be able to identify the old goose lying in front of you or young. The main distinguishing feature by which you can determine the age of the bird is its paws.


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