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Turkey Chops with Sage and Ham

Turkey Chops with Sage and Ham
Turkey Chops with Sage and Ham

Video: How to Dress A Turkey with Herbs, Sage, Parsley, Thyme, Rosemary- Thanksgiving, and herbal infusion 2024, July

Video: How to Dress A Turkey with Herbs, Sage, Parsley, Thyme, Rosemary- Thanksgiving, and herbal infusion 2024, July

The turkey chops themselves are quite simple, but thanks to the ham and sage, they become unusual. Sage gives turkey meat a unique flavor. These chops are ideal as a hearty dinner.


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You will need

  • In two servings:

  • - 2 pcs. turkey fillet without skin;

  • - 2 slices of ham;

  • - 4 leaves of fresh sage;

  • - 2 tbsp. tablespoons flour, olive oil;

  • - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter;

  • - black pepper, salt, lemon.

Instruction manual


Rinse the turkey fillet, cut it in half along to make thin cutlets. Place these cutlets between two layers of cling film, each beat off with a rolling pin or a kitchen hammer. Sprinkle the patties with pepper and salt.


Put half the ham and sage leaves on each cutlet, fix this trio with a toothpick so that the chops do not fall apart during cooking.


Pour pepper and salt into a plate with flour, roll the chops on all sides in a dry mixture. Heat olive oil in a large skillet, add butter to it and mix.


Put the chops with sage down into the pan, fry for a couple of minutes over medium heat. Then turn over the chops, fry them for another half a minute already until fully cooked. Turkey meat (all the more beaten up) is cooked very quickly.


Serve the turkey chops with sage and ham right on the table, decorating them with slices of fresh lemon. You can serve as an independent dish or cook any kind of garnish for chops - rice, buckwheat, pasta or potatoes.

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