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Garlic Tortilla

Garlic Tortilla
Garlic Tortilla

Video: Quick and easy home made garlic tortilla! 2024, July

Video: Quick and easy home made garlic tortilla! 2024, July

No bread purchased can be compared to taste with homemade bread.

Garlic cakes are delicious, quick and easy.

prepare, fit almost all first



Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 500 g of kefir

  • - 1 egg

  • - 1 tsp soda

  • - 2 - 3 cups flour

  • - garlic

  • - some vegetable oil

  • - salt

Instruction manual


Sift 2 cups flour, add the egg, mix.


Add soda, salt and mix.


Add more flour, knead the dough.

It should not stick to your hands, it should turn out soft and gentle.


Roll the cake, grease it with butter, pour a little finely chopped garlic in the middle.

Fold the cake with an envelope and roll it out again. Poke a fork several times to make it better fried.

Give the cake a round shape with your hands, fry in a pan on both sides.

Useful advice

You can not add garlic, eat it with honey or jam.

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