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Cinnamon with honey for weight loss: reviews, results

Cinnamon with honey for weight loss: reviews, results
Cinnamon with honey for weight loss: reviews, results

Table of contents:

Video: How To Lose 5 Pounds With Cinnamon and Honey Day 1 Results 2024, July

Video: How To Lose 5 Pounds With Cinnamon and Honey Day 1 Results 2024, July

No matter how we were assured in childhood that miracles happen by themselves, it turns out to be a little different. In adulthood, miracles happen only when you yourself participate in them, and actively. This applies to absolutely all areas: whether it is a vacation on the edge of the Earth, a spacious and comfortable country house or

beautiful figure. If you decide to become a little slimmer, gather all your will in a fist and go in search of helpers on this thorny path - honey and cinnamon.


Pick your recipe

Useful properties of products

By themselves, honey with cinnamon is not able, by a wave of a magic wand, to turn an ordinary girl into an Thumbelina. But for the body, these products are still very useful, and can become an additional assistant in the fight against extra pounds. So, in order. What is cinnamon useful for a person?


  • able to break down fat cells;

  • calms excessively raging appetite;

  • possesses antioxidant properties;

  • helps the stomach in digesting heavy foods;

  • reduces bad cholesterol;

  • accelerates metabolic processes in the body.

The whole range of useful properties will play into the hands of any person who decides to lose a couple of kilograms. Indeed, the arsenal of tasks cinnamon manages is quite impressive. And many of them are really aimed at cleansing the body, and therefore weight loss. Now more about the miraculous possibilities of honey. The praises of all over the world sing about its benefits, so it’s extremely brief about what it can do.


  • fully saturates the body with nutrients, from which the desire to eat something sweet disappears;

  • perfectly breaks down fat;

  • mobilizes metabolism;

  • supports immunity in great shape.

That is, by its characteristics, honey will also become a good friend on the way to health.

Buy recommendations

So that all the claimed properties of the products are fully disclosed, it is advisable to responsibly approach their choice. It is better to buy cinnamon not Indonesian (cassia), but Ceylon. It is much less common on store shelves. But unlike her Indonesian sister, only Ceylon cinnamon has all the declared properties. You will have to try and look for it in the vastness of online stores. If you neglect this advice, then the result can be unpredictable. Eating cassia daily for sensitive people will result in an allergy or indigestion.

Now about honey. Ideally, of course, purchase it from an apiary from trusted people. The value of such a product will be many times higher. You can check the honey in a simple way - pour it on a saucer, twist and wait until the honeycombs appear on the surface. If the honey is fresh and ripe, you will see how it weaves a structured pattern of honeycombs, in which he recently resided. This secret is used by beekeepers. And it is recommended to all hunters for a real product.


So, the "heroes of the day" bought, you can begin to prepare the "magic potions."

Home recipes

The simplest thing you can make from honey with cinnamon is a drink. It is done very easily. Take two cinnamon sticks and pour hot water. Then let it brew for 20 minutes. When the water has cooled, add a little honey to taste there and drink during the day - morning and evening. To enhance the cleansing effect, you can add a little grated ginger. The result will be more pronounced. Plus, in cold weather, you will protect yourself from colds. Ginger is an excellent immunomodulator, and coupled with honey and cinnamon, it strengthens the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to viruses.


If you don’t like this drink, you can improvise. For example, repeat the same procedure not with boiling water, but with your favorite tea. Better, of course, if the choice falls on green. Then all components will strengthen each other. But you can take any other. The main thing is that you like the taste of the drink. Then you will drink it often and with pleasure. In addition, you can still cook a honey-cinnamon mixture. Follow a strict rule: always take 2 times more honey than cinnamon. Let the mixture brew and eat a tablespoon, divided into several doses, every day.

A simple way for external use

If you are not pleased with all of the above recipes, do not despair. There is one interesting trick. Honey with cinnamon can not only be eaten, but also applied externally.


Take 100 milliliters of honey and a tablespoon of cinnamon. Heat in a water bath and lightly massage on a steamed body. Pay special attention to problem areas. Wrap yourself with cling film on top, wait half an hour and rinse. Such procedures well accelerate the metabolism, but they can be carried out no more than twice a week.

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