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What foods increase potency in men

What foods increase potency in men
What foods increase potency in men

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Video: Superfoods to Increase Male sex hormone testosterone naturally: Dr. Magesh.T 2024, July

Video: Superfoods to Increase Male sex hormone testosterone naturally: Dr. Magesh.T 2024, July

Good potency is a sign of men's health. Unfortunately, today many men have certain problems with potency. Many people know that proper nutrition is the key to a healthy life. Indeed, certain foods contain substances that can enhance potency in men.


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What foods should be in the diet to increase potency

The fast rhythm of life leads to the fact that there is often no time to think about the quality of your nutrition.

To date, problems with potency in men are found even at a very young age.

The reasons for this are as follows:

  • Chronic diseases

  • Heredity;

  • Wrong way of life.

Eating harmful sauces, semi-finished products and drinking it all with alcohol can significantly undermine men's health.

Fortunately, there are simple and affordable products that are very beneficial for potency.

So, in the diet of a modern man must be present:

  • Nuts

  • Seafood (mussels, oysters, sea fish),

  • Citruses (oranges, lemons),

  • Greens (parsley, dill, spinach),

  • Bananas

  • Quail eggs,

  • Natural spices

  • Meat (properly cooked)

  • Avocado,

  • Dates

  • Pumpkin seeds,

  • Carrot,

  • Horseradish,

  • Honey,

  • Chocolate,

  • Tomatoes

What foods are harmful to potency?

Artificial and improperly prepared foods, such as fried, fast food, coffee, alcohol, and fatty sauces, cause great harm to health in general and the quality of erections in particular. Also, do not abuse baking and sweets that weaken male libido.

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