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How to fry chicken cutlets

How to fry chicken cutlets
How to fry chicken cutlets

Video: How to Make Perfect Crispy Chicken Cutlets | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appetit 2024, July

Video: How to Make Perfect Crispy Chicken Cutlets | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appetit 2024, July

Everyone knows the benefits of chicken. It is low in calories and is easily absorbed by the body. Chicken dishes are recommended for diet and baby food. Chickens are fried, boiled, baked in the oven, in portioned portions and whole. And you can cook cutlets from minced chicken, the recipe of which dates back to the 19th century and, according to one of the legends, is associated with the name of the innkeeper from Torzhok Daria Pozharskaya. Chicken meat and bread cutlets are so called: fire.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 400 g chicken (pulp);
    • 100 g of stale white bread;
    • 0.5 cups of milk or cream;
    • 10-20 g of internal chicken fat;
    • 30 g butter;
    • 100 g of stale white bread for breading;
    • 40 g ghee;
    • salt.

Instruction manual


To prepare fire cutlets, remove the skin from the chicken carcass and separate the flesh from the bones. To do this, wash the thawed or chilled chicken well and pat dry with a towel or napkin. Make an incision on the neck and breast and very carefully, starting from the neck to the wings, separate the skin from the meat. Cut the inside of the tendon and continue to remove the skin along with the wings and then pull the carcass down to the legs. In the joints, make incisions along the cartilage and remove the skin to the end. Then separate the flesh from the bones.


Cut the internal fat into pieces and pass along with the chicken meat through a meat grinder with a fine grill. Soak stale white bread in milk or cream for about ten minutes and add to the resulting mincemeat. Mix everything well and pass through the meat grinder a second time. Salt, add softened butter, mix and beat the minced meat thoroughly.


The main secret of the fire patties is breading. For her, cut the stale white bread into small cubes (approximately 0.5 centimeters) and dry them in a frying pan or in the oven. Can be fried in a small amount of ghee. Then form cutlets from minced meat (do this with wet hands) and roll well in prepared bread cubes. Heat ghee in a pan and fry the cutlets on both sides for four to five minutes until a slightly browned crust forms. Then put the frying pan with meatballs for five minutes in the oven or make a low heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave the meatballs on the stove for some time.


Before serving cooked fire patties, place them on a dish and pour with melted butter. Vegetables are good for a side dish: green peas, beans, cauliflower, pre-cooked and seasoned with butter, as well as fried potatoes.

Useful advice

The chicken bones and skin remaining after cutting should be used to cook a strong broth. It is customary to submit it separately to fire patties.

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