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How to Grow Walnut from Walnut

How to Grow Walnut from Walnut
How to Grow Walnut from Walnut

Video: How to Grow Walnut Tree from Seed at home Easy Process DIY 2024, July

Video: How to Grow Walnut Tree from Seed at home Easy Process DIY 2024, July

Scientists advise eating walnuts every day: they have a lot of antioxidants that protect the human body from disease. But only raw, not fried nuts, possess such healing properties. From fresh walnuts you can grow a fruiting plant. The easiest option is to buy nuts of a new crop and plant them in the autumn.


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Instruction manual


On the infield, shovel dig the place where you plan to plant nuts. Make a horizontal strip 10 cm deep. Put the planting material in it. But so that the nuts lay on the edge. Top up the hole with earth.


If there is a lot of snow in your area in winter, planted nuts do not need to be watered. If your winters are usually not very snowy, cover the ground with a 20-centimeter layer of fallen leaves and dry branches.


In this form, nuts should be wintered. In the spring shoots should appear. If spring is early and rainy, start watering future plants as early as possible.


During the summer, plants need to be regularly watered, loosen the earth next to them, weed out, fertilize (best of all with ash).


In late autumn, cover the annual walnut plant again with a layer of dry grass and foliage.


Walnut is a perennial plant. It can grow in height up to 20 m, and only up to 2 m: it depends on many factors.

Walnut blossoms in late spring, and the fruits ripen in October-November.

Useful advice

Seeds must be of excellent quality: fresh (last crop), ripened, easily removed from the shell.

The soil for planting a walnut should be moist, slightly acidic and well lit.

how to grow walnut

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