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How to cook pickle soup

How to cook pickle soup
How to cook pickle soup

Video: Polish Food - Dill Pickle Soup - Polish Cuisine 2024, July

Video: Polish Food - Dill Pickle Soup - Polish Cuisine 2024, July

Rassolnik is a soup that, despite the presence of pickles in it, has a very soft, full-bodied taste. The main components of pickle are also - pearl barley and sauteed vegetables. The basis of any pickle is a meat, chicken, fish and mushroom broth.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 450 g of beef;
    • 100 g of pearl barley;
    • 400 g of potatoes;
    • 200 g of pickles;
    • 200 ml of cucumber pickle;
    • 2 onion heads;
    • 150 g carrots;
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • Bay leaf;
    • salt;
    • black pepper.

Instruction manual


Take the meat. Clean it of films and rinse it thoroughly under cold running water. Cut it into small pieces of 20 g. Pour the meat with cold water and cook for one hour. Remove foam and grease during cooking. Close the pan with a lid, reduce heat, add salt, black pepper. Remove the meat, strain the finished broth in a separate pan.


Rinse pearl barley twice with cold water, put in a container and pour boiling water for 40 minutes. Close the pan and place in a warm place. Groats should swell and double in volume. Add it to boiling strained broth.


Wash the potatoes, peel and cut them into long cubes or 10 mm cubes. Add to broth and cook for 10 minutes.


Take onions and carrots, wash and peel them. Chop the onion finely. Grate carrots or cut into strips.


Heat the pan well, add vegetable oil and fry the onion on it. Add carrots, keep frying. Vegetables should be soft and have a golden color.


Peel the cucumbers, cut along, free from seeds. Thin-skinned cucumbers and small seeds should be used unpeeled. Cut them into equal small cubes. Pour the broth in a separate pan, simmer a little.


Add the prepared cucumbers to the boiling broth. Cook for 5 minutes and add the fried onions and carrots. Put the pieces of meat.


Pour the cucumber pickle into the broth through a fine sieve, put a bay leaf. You do not need to add salt. The taste of the soup can be adjusted by the amount of brine added. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes.


Serve the finished pickle with sour cream in a serving plate. Put the sliced ​​meat. You can add chopped greens of dill or parsley.

Useful advice

During cooking, for a richer taste, you can put slices of carrots and celery into the broth.

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