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How to increase breasts with nutrition

How to increase breasts with nutrition
How to increase breasts with nutrition

Video: Do you want to increase your BREAST SIZE? These tips might be the answer! 2024, July

Video: Do you want to increase your BREAST SIZE? These tips might be the answer! 2024, July

Throughout life, under the influence of various factors, the female breast can lose elasticity and decrease in volume. The main condition for the growth of mammary glands is the hormonal balance in the body. Using the right nutrition you can maintain the optimal ratio of male and female sex hormones.


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In the female body, both male and female sex hormones are simultaneously produced. If the balance shifts towards male hormones, then this affects the appearance in an unfavorable way: hair on the body and on the face grow intensively, the skin becomes oily, the chest loses elasticity. Female hormones, in particular estrogen, on the contrary, contribute to the health and smoothness of the skin, elasticity of the chest. One of the signs of estrogen deficiency is dryness and sagging of the skin, increased fragility of hair and nails, and a decrease in libido. For breast growth and skin beauty, you should enrich your diet with products containing phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are natural plant compounds that can cause an estrogenic effect in the body.


So, products with a high content of phytoestrogens:


Soya. Soybeans can be consumed in the form of soy milk, meat, pasta, asparagus, tofu cheese. Soy products, when properly processed, are low in calories and can be included in the diet. For example, soy flour contains 290 kcal, and wheat flour - 340 kcal. The main condition is to use soy fresh or boiled, without subsequent frying. Soy contains vitamins A, E, K, B, C, trace elements potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon. In addition, it contains essential amino acids and fatty acids. The estrogenic effect of soy is due to the content of isoflavones in it. The inclusion of soy products in the diet favorably affects the state of the female body and positively affects the appearance. Under the influence of phytoestrogens, the skin is smoothed, and the breast increases in volume.



Cabbage. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts contain cumestans - a type of phytoestrogen. In addition, broccoli is low in calories, making it an ideal product for proper nutrition. This cabbage variety is also rich in vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals. Broccoli, like soy, protects the body from the occurrence of malignant tumors. It contains a large amount of antioxidants that prevent the aging of the body. Using this cabbage rejuvenates the skin, as broccoli stimulates the production of collagen.



Petiole celery also contains phytoestrogens. Also in its composition there is coarse fiber, which normalizes the work of the intestine and helps fast weight loss. Petiole celery is best consumed raw to preserve the vitamins and minerals contained in it. Add this vegetable to salads or use as a side dish.


Flaxseed and linseed oil. Flax seeds contain lignans, which are also phytoestrogens and give an estrogenic effect in the body. Also, flax seeds and linseed oil are rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids. The oil lowers blood cholesterol and does not contribute to the growth of adipose tissue, therefore it is suitable for dietary nutrition.



Phytoestrogens are found in spices such as ginger, turmeric, sage, thyme, cloves.


Before using the listed products for breast growth, take a blood test for estrogen content. With an increased level of estrogen in the blood, it is not recommended to use phytoestrogens.

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