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How to cook beets

How to cook beets
How to cook beets

Video: How to Cook Beets without Losing Nutrients 2024, July

Video: How to Cook Beets without Losing Nutrients 2024, July

Beetroot is a vegetable that can be eaten year-round, and all useful substances will be stored in it. And there are a lot of them in this root crop: vitamin C (protection against colds), vitamin PP (against fatigue), vitamin A (for vigilance), vitamin B (for beautiful skin, hair and nails). Soups, salads and even meatballs are prepared from beets. And do not be afraid that the preparation of this vegetable takes a lot of time: the proper cooking of beets will take no more than an hour.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • beet
    • water
    • sugar
    • vinegar or citric acid

Instruction manual


Boil water in a saucepan. Volume - such that the beets laid there 1-2 cm covered with water. Add sugar, citric acid or vinegar to boiling water (at the rate of 1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).


You can’t cut the root from the beets to the base: otherwise it will brighten during cooking. It’s best to leave the beetroot tail untouched. The root crop itself should be washed well, but not cleaned: this way the lard will retain its juiciness and water-soluble mineral salts. Then put the beets in boiling water, close the lid tightly and let it boil for 1 hour.


Remove the beets from the pan and hold them for 10 minutes under a stream of cold water. If the beets were large, then you can give it another 15-20 to boil on the stove, and then cool again.


The best beets are not large. It should be with a thin peel and tail, slightly flattened in shape.

Useful advice

You can check the readiness of cooked beets with a knife: if it pierces through, then it is ready.

With long cooking, beets from dark red become brown-yellow.

You can make a drink from the beetroot broth: you just need to add ginger, cinnamon and lemon juice there.

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