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How to Make Salad Capercaillie Nest

How to Make Salad Capercaillie Nest
How to Make Salad Capercaillie Nest

Video: Салат "Гнездо Глухаря" - Украшение Праздничного Стола | Recipe "Salad Capercaillie Nest", Subtitles 2024, July

Video: Салат "Гнездо Глухаря" - Украшение Праздничного Стола | Recipe "Salad Capercaillie Nest", Subtitles 2024, July

Capercaillie Nest Salad is a very tasty, satisfying and uncomplicated dish. Thanks to its exotic look, this salad will be a wonderful decoration for any festive table. "Capercaillie nest" refers to those dishes in which its external design plays an important role, along with taste and healthy qualities.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 500 g of chicken;

  • - 500 g of potatoes;

  • - 5 chicken eggs;

  • - 4 quail eggs (for decoration);

  • - 250 g of fresh cucumbers;

  • - 100 g of onions;

  • - vegetable oil;

  • - mayonnaise.

Instruction manual


First, boil the chicken in salted water (about 20 minutes after boiling water).


We clear the onion from the husk, cut into small pieces, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes (this is necessary so that the onion does not bitter). After the specified time, drain the water and wash the onions under cold running water.


Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them into small strips or rub them on a grater intended for making Korean salads.


Put the potatoes sliced ​​into strips into a pan, after adding a little vegetable oil to it, and fry it until golden brown. So that the potatoes do not stick during the frying process, they should be fried in small portions.


Peel the cucumbers and cut into thin strips. We clean the previously boiled eggs from the husk, separate the proteins from the yolks and rub the proteins on a fine grater. We wash the greens under running water, dry with a paper towel and grind it with a knife.


We combine in the salad bowl all the ingredients prepared for the dish (potatoes, proteins, onions, chopped chicken fillet and cucumbers), season with mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly. A small amount of fried potatoes must be left to decorate the salad.


Sprinkle the finished salad with chopped herbs, make a small depression in the middle, into which we spread the cooked and peeled quail eggs. In a circle, decorate the salad with straws from fried potatoes.

Useful advice

If you do not have quail eggs, then you can decorate the salad with eggs made from the remaining yolks. For this, the yolks must be crushed and mixed with mayonnaise and chopped herbs until a uniform sticky mass is formed. From the resulting mixture we form small balls in the shape of eggs and decorate the salad with them.

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