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How to make a baking powder for dough at home

How to make a baking powder for dough at home
How to make a baking powder for dough at home

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It often happens that in recipes it is indicated to use a baking powder, and what to do if it was not at hand? Can baking powder be replaced with soda, if so, in what proportion? How to mix and store home baking powder for dough? We will talk about all this in more detail.


Pick your recipe

The purpose of the baking powder

Baking powder is used for dough to provide it with a porous and airy structure. Typically, the baking powder is suitable for dense and heavy dough, such as shortbread. Contrary to popular belief, baking powder is not put in biscuit dough. In a real biscuit dough mixed in all respects, porosity gives air.

A baking powder made in accordance with the proportions, unlike soda, will not be bitter in the test and will completely react without residue. Whereas soda can get lumpy and grind on teeth.


For mixing, you will need absolutely dry dishes, since the ingredients of the baking powder can instantly react when moisture gets in. The presence of an inert substance such as flour or starch physically separates acid and alkali particles from each other so that they do not react ahead of time.

Make a dry teaspoon and a completely dry jar with a tight-fitting lid. It is better to take a jar with a grinding lid. In this case, moisture from the air is guaranteed not to get into the mixture.

Baking powder proportions

In fact, making a baking powder for dough at home is very simple. To do this, mix available products, such as flour or starch, citric acid and soda.

Tip. To absorb more moisture, put a piece of refined sugar in a container with baking powder. Change sugar to a new one periodically.

With a dry clean spoon, measure 12 teaspoons of flour or starch, add 5 teaspoons of soda and 3 teaspoons of citric acid (small). Closing the lid tightly, shake the jar to mix the contents thoroughly.

Tip. To mix, use a larger jar, and pour into a smaller jar with a tightly rubbed lid for storage.

Where and how much to store

The resulting baking powder does not have an expiration date, while the amount received may well be enough for a calendar year. Remove the baking powder for storage in a dark place where there is no excess moisture in the condensate and the air is dry.

The baking powder obtained at home is added in accordance with the recipe, while immediately putting it into the flour.

Baking powder for the dough

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