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How to make meringue right

How to make meringue right
How to make meringue right

Video: How to Make Meringue Like a Pro | Food Network 2024, July

Video: How to Make Meringue Like a Pro | Food Network 2024, July

Meringue is a pastry made from baked egg whites, previously whipped with sugar. Meringues can be served as a standalone dessert or used to decorate cakes and pastries.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • - 4 egg whites;
    • - 1 cup of sugar;
    • - 1 tbsp. l starch.

Instruction manual


Separate the whites carefully from the yolks. For the preparation of meringues, it is important that egg yolk or fat does not enter the protein mass. If possible and time allows, leave the proteins for a day in the refrigerator. Well-chilled proteins whip easier.


Pour the egg whites into a dry, clean, fairly wide pan or bowl. Lower the beaters and beat the whites with a mixer until foam forms. If possible, do not touch the corners of the walls of the dishes. For better whipping, you can add a little salt or a few crystals of citric acid to the proteins. Whipped whites should keep their shape.


Pour sugar into proteins in a small stream in small portions without stopping beating at high speed. Instead of sugar, you can use powdered sugar. It dissolves faster in protein. Then add starch to the protein-sugar mass. With starch, meringues are better stored and remain crispy longer, do not soften. Stir the squirrels until they are held on the whisk with a hat.


Sprinkle a thin layer of flour on the baking sheet or cover it with oiled baking paper. Using a pastry syringe or bag with a tip, squeeze the protein cream in small portions. You can also use teaspoons for this purpose. Dough for meringues should not be stored, it quickly loses its quality.


Leave the baking tray with meringues to dry in the oven at a temperature of 80-100 degrees C for about 2-2.5 hours. Watch the temperature. If it rises above 100 degrees C, the meringue will turn yellow on top, crust, and will not have time to bake inside. The first hour do not open the oven door, otherwise the meringue will settle and stick together. When the meringues are completely ready, turn off the fire, open the oven door and keep the meringue in it until it cools completely. Put the finished cookies in an airtight container and store in a dry place.

Useful advice

In the dough for meringues, you can add ground nuts, vanillin, ginger.


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